In order to classify, regulate, and restrict the uses of land, water, buildings, and structures; to regulate and restrict the height and bulk of buildings; and to regulate the area of yards, courts, and open spaces above and around buildings, the city is divided into districts as follows:
   (A)   A-1 Agriculture.
   (B)   R-CE Rural Country Estates.
   (C)   R-1AAA Single-Family.
   (D)   R-1AA Single-Family.
   (E)   R-1A Single-Family.
   (F)   R-1B Single-Family.
   (G)   R-2   One- and Two-Family.
   (H)   R-3 Multiple Family.
   (I)   R-M Mobile Home Park.
   (J)   PUD Planned Unit Development.
   (K)   PO Professional Office.
   (L)   C-1 General Commercial.
   (M)   C-2 Commercial District.
   (N)   M-1A Office and Light Industrial.
   (O)   M-2A Industrial District.
   (P)   DC Downtown Centre.
   (Q)   GU Governmental Use.
   (R)   School Locational Criteria.
   (S)   BLM Big Lake Mary Overlay.
(Ord. 241, passed 11-27-85; Am. Ord. 449, passed 8-3-89; Am. Ord. 1219, passed 11-2-06; Am. Ord. 1342, passed 1-21-10)