(A)   No improvement within a subdivision shall take place until preliminary plat approval has been granted by the City Council; a development agreement (major subdivision) has been signed outlining what work can be done; and a financial guarantee has been posted with the city in accordance with this chapter.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 1101.01)
   (B)   Prior to the approval of a plat, the subdivider shall have agreed, in the manner set forth below, to install in conformity with approved construction plans and in conformity with all applicable standards and ordinances, the following improvements on the site.
      (1)   All subdivision boundary corners, block and lot corners, and road intersection corners. Points of tangency and curvature shall be marked with survey monuments meeting the minimum requirements of state law. All federal, state, county, or official benchmarks, monuments or triangulation stations adjacent to the property shall be preserved in precise precision unless relocation is approved by the controlling agency. These monuments shall be set prior to any improvements being constructed on individual lots. All lot corner pipes or irons shall be a minimum of 1/2 inch in diameter and 14 inches in length and shall be inscribed with the license number of the land surveyor making the survey. All unmonumented quarter corners and section corners shall be set by the County Surveyor.
      (2)   The full width of the right-of-way of each street and alley dedicated in the plat shall be graded in accordance with approved plans.
      (3)   All streets and alleys shall be improved with concrete or bituminous surface except as may be otherwise approved by action of the city.
      (4)   Along both sides of an urban designed street, curb and gutter shall be installed. Concrete curb and gutter is recommended; however, bituminous curbing may be permitted if approved by the city.
      (5)   Sidewalks may be required along both sides of all streets in areas where residential density equals or exceeds 3 dwelling units per net acre of residentially used land or in commercial areas.
      (6)   In the case where mains from a public water system are available, the subdivider shall be required to install water mains in the plat and connect the same to the public water system.
      (7)   In all cases where trunk line sanitary sewer facilities are available, the subdivider shall be required to install sanitary sewers in the plat and connect the same to the trunk line sewers. If such facilities are not available, but it is expected that they will be within 5 years, the city may require that such sewers, together with the necessary lateral extending from the main sewer to the street curb, shall be installed and capped for future connection as service becomes available. In that event, the subdivider may also install on-site disposal units, provided that they are so located as to permit easy and the least expensive connection to the sewer when it becomes available and useable. Where such on-site units are installed, the subdivider shall provide underground plumbing to extend 3 feet beyond the footing, which plumbing shall be plugged. The area around the stack shall be scored so that the septic tank can be disconnected and connection can be made with the public sanitary sewer system.
      (8)   Drainage facilities and easements shall be installed as will adequately provide for the drainage of surface waters in accordance with the approved plan.
      (9)   Tree planting, street name signs, traffic-control signs, oversized utility trunk lines, pedestrian ways and street lights. Other improvements may be required.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 1101.02)
   (C)   Construction plans for the required improvements shall be prepared at the subdivider's expense by a professional engineer who is registered in the State of Minnesota. Construction plans shall contain his or her certificate. These plans, together with the quantities of construction items, shall be submitted to the City Engineer for his or her approval and for estimate of the total costs of the required improvements. Upon approval, the plans shall become a part of the required contract described in division (F) below. The tracings of the plans approved by the City Engineer plus 2 prints shall be furnished to the city to be filed as a public record.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 1101.03)
   (D)   Required improvements are to be furnished and installed at the sole expense of the subdivider. However, if the cost of an improvement would, by general policy, be assessed only in part to the improved property and the remaining cost paid out of general tax levy, provision may be made for the payment of a portion of the cost.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 1101.04)
   (E)   If any improvement installed within the subdivision will be of substantial benefit to lands beyond the boundaries of the subdivision, provision may be made for causing a portion of the cost of the improvements, representing the benefit to such lands, to be assessed against the same. In such a situation, the subdivider will be required only to pay for such portion of the whole cost of the improvements as will represent the benefit to the property within the subdivision.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 1101.05)
   (F)   Prior to the installation of any required improvements and prior to approval of the plat, the subdivider may be required to enter into a contract, in writing, with the city requiring the subdivider to furnish and construct the improvements at his or her sole cost and in accordance with plans, specifications, and usual contract conditions. Included in the contract will be:
      (1)   Provisions for supervision of details of construction by the city authority to correlate the work to be done under the contract by any subcontractor authorized to proceed thereunder and with any other work being done or contracted by the city in the vicinity;
      (2)   A requirement for the subdivider to make an escrow deposit or, in lieu thereof, to furnish a performance bond as described in § 158.15. On request of the subdivider, the contract may provide for completion of part or all of the improvements prior to the acceptance of the plat; in that event, the amount of the financial guarantee may be reduced in a sum equal to the estimated cost of improvements so completed prior to the acceptance of the plat; and
      (3)   The time for connection of the work and the several parts thereof. The time shall be determined by the city after consultation with the subdivider. The time shall be reasonable with relation to the work to be done, the seasons of the year and proper correlation with construction activities in the plat and subdivision.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 1101.06)
   (G)   No subdivider shall be permitted to start work on any other subdivision without special approval of the city if he or she has previously defaulted on work or commitments.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 1101.07)
   (H)   All required improvements on the site that are to be installed under the provisions of this regulation shall be inspected during the course of construction by the City Engineer at the subdivider's expense. Acceptance by the city shall be subject to the City Engineer's certificate of compliance with the contract.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 1101.08)