(A)   Pursuant to Chapters 154 through 159, the City Zoning Administrator shall be the Administrator of these regulations.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.01)
   (B)   Whenever there is a difference between the minimum standards or dimensions required in this chapter and any other standard or dimensions in other sections of Chapters 154 through 159, the most restrictive standards or dimensions shall apply.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.02)
   (C)   Subdivision review shall be coordinated with the requirements and procedures for Environmental Assessment and Impact Statements as contained in city regulation. Any mandatory Environmental Assessment Worksheet or Impact Statement as required by the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board Regulations shall be submitted as part of the application for preliminary plat approval.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.03)
   (D)   Subdivision review shall be coordinated by the city. Final plat approval will not be granted until final plat approval is granted by the city.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.04)
   (E)   The platting and subdivision of open space design subdivision shall be coordinated with the requirements contained in Chapter 159. Any deviation from the minimum design and engineering standards of these subdivision regulations may be allowed when consistent with the standards contained in city regulation.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.05)
   (F)   In the case of a request to divide a lot which is part of a recorded plat or metes and bounds description, where the division is to permit the adding of a parcel of land to an abutting lot or to otherwise exchange property between adjacent lots, and the newly created property line will not cause either lot to be in violation of this chapter or the Zoning Ordinance, the division may be approved by the Zoning Administrator after submission of a survey and legal description of each by a licensed land surveyor showing the original lot and the proposed new lot lines. The new acquired land must be combined on the same deed for recording purposes as the remainder of the owner's property.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.06)
   (G)   No structure shall be built or placed on a lot in a new plat until the road and drainage improvements are substantially completed. With regard to road improvements, substantially complete shall mean that the gravel base is in and has been approved by the City Engineer.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.07)
   (H)   Any lot or parcel of land designated as an outlot shall have a development agreement recorded against this lot or parcel specifying the usage and ownership of the lot or parcel.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.08)
   (I)   Consent for subdivision of property shall be required from the owner of the property.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.09)
   (J)   Creation of a security interest in a portion of a parcel less than the entire parcel does not entitle the property to be subdivided even in the event of foreclosure of the security interest unless the parcel is in conformance with this chapter and Chapters 154 through 157 and 159.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.10)
   (K)   Variances to the dimensional standards contained in this chapter shall be heard by the Lakeland City Council and governed by the regulations in Chapter 159.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.11)
   (L)   Any bonds or other financial security set forth in this chapter shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator, City Attorney, and City Engineer.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.12)
   (M)   In addition to any other remedies set forth in Chapters 154 through 159, any person who violates any provision of this chapter or who sells, leases, or offers for sale or lease any lot, block, or tract of land regulated by this chapter before all requirements of the regulations of this chapter have been complied with shall forfeit to the city $100 for each lot or part of a lot so disposed of, leased, or offered.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.13)
   (N)   Fees for plat review and other services rendered under this chapter shall be established by the City Council.
(Prior Code, Ch. 401 § 401.14)