   6.04.010   Definitions.
   6.04.020   Dog license required.
   6.04.030   Dog license fee.
   6.04.040   Misuse.
   6.04.050   Dog license tag.
   6.04.060   Refusing to show license, tag, or proof.
   6.04.070   Exceptions.
§ 6.04.010 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this title, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   A.   AGGRESSIVE ANIMAL. Any animal that has bitten a person or domestic animal without provocation or that has a known history of attacking persons or domestic animals without provocation.
   B.   ANIMAL. A mammal, bird, reptile, or amphibian.
   C.   ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. Persons appointed by the city to enforce the provisions of this title and applicable state and federal laws, including police officers as necessary. Animal control officers may commence an action or proceeding before a court for any violation of a state statute or local ordinance relating to rabies and animal control, which occurs within the city.
   D.   ANIMAL SHELTER. Any establishment authorized by the city for the confinement, maintenance, safekeeping, and control of animals that come into the custody of an animal control officer.
   E.   AT LARGE. An animal being neither confined by an enclosure nor physically restrained by a leash.
   F.   COYOTE. A wolf like carnivorous animal of the species Canis latrans.
   G.   CRUEL MISTREATMENT. To torture or otherwise inflict unnecessary serious physical injury on an animal or kill an animal in a manner that causes protracted suffering to the animal.
   H.   CRUEL NEGLECT. To fail to provide an animal with necessary food, water or shelter.
   I.   HANDLER. A law enforcement officer or any other person who has successfully completed a course of training prescribed by the person’s agency or the service animal owner and who used a specially trained animal under the direction of the person’s agency or the service animal owner.
    J.   LIVESTOCK. Horses, mules, burros, asses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, pigs, fowl (domestic and/or wild, male and/or female, singular and/or plural, including egg producing poultry), and equine.
   K.   OWNER. A person(s) who has possession of, harbors, is in charge of, is in control of, keeps, or maintains any animal within the city.
   L.   SERVICE ANIMAL. Any dog or miniature horse that is individually trained or in training to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability. SERVICE ANIMAL does not include other species of animals, whether wild or domestic or trained or untrained.
   M.   STRAY DOG. Any dog three months of age or older running at large that is not wearing a valid license tag.
   N.   VACCINATION. The administration of an approved anti-rabies vaccine to animals by a veterinarian.
   O.   VICIOUS ANIMAL. Any animal that has a propensity to attack, to cause injury to or to otherwise endanger the safety of human beings without provocation, or that has been so declared after a hearing before a justice of the peace or a city magistrate.
   P.   WORKING ANIMAL. A horse or dog that is used by a law enforcement agency, that is specially trained for law enforcement work and that is under the control of a handler.
(Ord. 15-1136, § 1, passed 8-25-2015; Ord. 14-1121, § 1, passed 12-9-2014; Ord. 12-1078, passed 6-12-2012; Ord. 16-1161, passed 9-13-2016)
   A.   All dogs 3 months of age and over kept, harbored, or maintained in the city must be licensed. A license application must be remitted to the city or designee with the applicable license fee.
   B.   If there is a change in ownership of a dog, the new owner shall have 30 days from date of transfer to change the ownership information.
   C.   Prior to a dog license being issued, the owner of the dog to be licensed must provide current proof of vaccination.
   D.   All dog licenses will be issued for 1 to 3 years beginning with the date of issuance and must be renewed for the life of the dog on or before the expiration of the license.
   E.   Upon compliance with the provisions of this chapter, a dog license and tag shall be issued to the owner of the dog.
   F.   Tags and licenses are nontransferable.
   G.   The city may establish an administrative procedure to permit any licensed veterinarian to issue dog licenses and tags for dogs that are vaccinated.
   H.   Other animals may be licensed upon payment of all applicable fees.
   I.   A violation of this section shall be a civil offense punishable by a fine fixed by the Court not to exceed $1,000 per violation.
(Ord. 12-1078, passed 6-12-2012; Ord. 18-1189, passed 2-13-2018)
§ 6.04.030 DOG LICENSE FEE.
   A.   There is a license fee for dogs that reside in the city.
   B.   Discounted fees may be offered for the following:
      1.   Altered dogs. To receive a discounted license fee for altered dogs, verification that the dog is spayed or neutered must be provided with the license application.
      2.   Seniors. To receive a discounted license fee for senior owners, verification that the owner is at least 65 years of age must be provided with the license application. This discount applies to altered dogs only and to a maximum of 2 license fees.
      3.   Payment for multiple years. Owners may pay license fees in advance up to a maximum of 3 years at a discounted license fee.
      4.   Service animal. No fee will be charged to owners with a disability who use a service animal and sign a written statement that the dog is a service animal as defined in this chapter. A person who makes a false statement pursuant to this division B.4. is guilty of a petty offence and a fine not to exceed $50.
      5.   Search or rescue dog. No fee will be charged to owners of a search and rescue dog that provide adequate proof satisfactory to the Police Department that the dog is a search or rescue dog.
   C.   An owner may obtain a duplicate tag upon payment of required fee.
   D.   Licenses lapsing more than 60 days from date of expiration will be assessed a delinquency fee in addition to the regular license fees.
   E.   All fees referenced in this title are established pursuant to the provisions of Lake Havasu City Code Chapter 3.20.
   F.   A violation of this section shall be a civil offense punishable by a fine fixed by the Court not to exceed $1,000 per violation.
(Ord. 15-1136, § 2, passed 8-25-2015; Ord. 12-1078, passed 6-12-2012; Ord. 18-1189, passed 2-13-2018)