§ 4.24.010 NEW SERVICES.
   The following procedures must be adhered to when application is made for any new water service:
   A.   Single-family and duplex residential. No application for water service to undeveloped premises will be accepted unless accompanied by an application for a grading or building permit on that premises. No water services will be installed on premises that do not have an active grading or building permit in effect. Upon review of the utility services application, payment of appropriate fees, and issuance of a grading or building permit, the water service will be installed.
   B.   Multi-family, commercial, and industrial. The procedures outlined in the current version of the "Public Works Department Development Review Procedures" document, available through the Department, must be adhered to when applying for water service to any new construction on a premises.
   C.   Upon determination of the service and meter sizes and approval of the utility services application, the appropriate fees must be paid prior to scheduling the installation of the service. No water services will be installed on premises that do not have an active grading or building permit. Charges per connection will be in accordance with the Master Fee Schedule.
   D.   Charges per connection for service of meters 2 inches or less shall be in accordance with the Master Fee Schedule.
   E.   Charges per connection for service meters larger than 2 inches shall be at actual cost using fully burdened rates. A deposit will be required, as set forth in § 4.20.020 herein, for installation of meters larger in size than 2 inches in accordance with the Master Fee Schedule. After meter installation the city will refund any unused deposit within 20 days. If actual cost exceeds the deposit, the applicant will be billed the extra amount which shall become immediately due and payable within 20 days. Should payment not be made within 20 days, water service shall be discontinued until the bill, together with an additional charge for restoration of service, is paid.
   F.   Should it become necessary for pavement to be removed for installation of city connections, there will be an additional fee for the replacement of such pavement. These charges will be billed at actual cost using fully burdened hourly rates.
(Ord. 24-1330, § 1, passed 4-23-2024)