   A.   Applicability.
      1.   General. All exterior lighting for all development shall comply with the standards of this section, unless excepted in division A.2. below.
      2.   Exceptions. The following types of lighting are not subject to the requirements of this section:
         a.   Public street and right-of-way lighting.
         b.   Temporary decorative seasonal lighting.
         c.   Temporary lighting for emergency or nighttime work and construction.
         d.   Temporary lighting for theatrical, television, and performance areas, or for special public events.
         e.   Lighting for a special district, street, structure, or building that, according to an adopted city plan or ordinance, is determined to require special lighting aesthetics as part of its physical character.
         f.   Lighting required and regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration.
         g.   Lighting for outdoor recreational uses such as ball diamonds, playing fields, tennis courts, and similar uses, provided that, light poles are not more than 80 feet tall, maximum illumination at the property line is not brighter than 2 footcandles, and exterior lighting is extinguished no later than 11:00 p.m.
   B.   Operational standards.
      1.   Outdoor public or private facility uses that are normally expected to cease operation by midnight shall not be illuminated after midnight unless allowed by other provisions.
      2.    Directly illuminated building accent lighting consisting of strings of individual lamps or bulbs along building corners, roof edges, window openings, and other external architectural elements is prohibited, except:
            a.   Holiday lighting during November and December; and
            b.   Integrated architectural use of neon lighting in compliance with division C.3. below.
      3.   The provisions of division B.1. and B.2. above do not apply to:
            a.   Illumination of 375 lumens or less; equivalent to 25 watt incandescent bulbs or 7 watt compact fluorescent bulbs; and
            b.   Outdoor on-site or business advertising signs of the type constructed with translucent materials and wholly illuminated from within.
      4.   Outdoor lighting deemed to be a hazard to public health and safety by the Zoning Administrator, regardless of the date of installation, shall be immediately modified or eliminated to establish a safe condition.
   C.   Design and illumination standards. All lighting subject to this section shall be designed and illuminated in accordance with the following standards, unless specifically excepted or modified by the Zoning Administrator based on site context and community safety considerations.
      1.   Lighting height. The maximum height of light poles, or lighting mounted on the side of a roof or building shall be as follows in Table 4.05-1, unless otherwise provided in § 14.04.06.
TABLE 4.05-1
Residential districts, MU-N, MU-UMS, MU-CRW, MU-G, MU-SGD, C-CHD, and Special Purpose Districts (except LI and I)
LI and I
      2.   Light shielding.
         a.   Any light source or lamp that emits more than 375 lumens (25 watt incandescent or 7 watt compact fluorescent) shall be concealed or shielded with an Illuminations Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) full cut-off style fixture with an angle not exceeding 90 degrees to minimize the potential for glare and unnecessary diffusion on adjacent property. Figures 4.05-1 and 4.05-2 illustrate examples of shielded fixtures and Figures 4.05-3 and 4.05-4 illustrate light trespass.
   Figure 4.05-1 (Light Shielding Illustration): Fully shielded
   Figure 4.05-2 (Light Shielding Illustration): Not fully shielded
   Figure 4.05-3 (Light Trespass Illustration): Does not comply – Light trespass
   Figure 4.05-4 (Light Trespass Illustration): Complies – No light trespass
         b.   Bare incandescent light bulbs shall not be permitted in view of adjacent property or public right-of-way. Wall mounted lights shall be directed downward. Soffit or canopy mounted light fixtures shall be recessed in the soffit or otherwise fully shielded.
         c.   Lighting on automobile service station, convenience store, and other outdoor canopies shall not protrude downward beyond the ceiling of the canopy.
      3.   Neon lighting. Neon lighting as building accent lighting may be approved in compliance with the following criteria:
         a.   Neon lighting may be used to accent architectural building elements, except that vertical bands may not be used along building corners.
         b.   Neon lighting shall be a minimum of 6 inches below the top of the parapet or roof eave line and shall not be on top of the parapet or above the eave or along roof hips and/or ridge lines.
         c.   Neon lighting shall only be used on building elevations facing residential zoning districts where a public right-of-way of at least 70 feet in width buffers the residential district from the property containing the neon lighting.
         d.   Neon lighting shall not be used with reflective backgrounds that intensify the emitted light.
         e.   Neon lighting shall be kept in good repair at all times.
(Ord. 16-1153, passed 6-14-2016; Ord. 16-1141, passed 2-23-2016; Ord. 16-1142, passed 9-13-2016)