A. Intent. This section is intended to preserve the residential neighborhood character of established homes within multi-family districts and adjacent to mixed use or special zoning districts.
B. Applicability.
1. These standards apply to:
a. All lots in the R-3 and R-M Districts that contain a principal use other than a single- or 2-family dwelling; and
b. All lots located in any zoning district other than the R-A, R-E, R-1, and R-2 Districts that share a side or rear lot line with a lot in the R-A, R-E, R-1, and R-2 Districts containing a single- or 2-family dwelling.
2. If any of these standards conflict with the dimensional standards in § 14.04.01, intended for neighborhood protection, the stricter standard shall apply.
C. Building height. Buildings constructed after the effective date of this Code with a height greater than 30 feet shall reduce the perceived height of the building when viewed from adjacent lots by using at least 1 of the following techniques.
1. “Stepping down” building height of any portion of the building within 100 feet of the side and rear lot lines to a maximum of 30 feet, unless the dimensional standards of § 14.04.01 require stepping down to a lower height.
2. Increasing the side yard and rear yard setbacks a minimum of 10 feet beyond that otherwise required in the zone district where the property is located.
D. Screening and buffering.
1. The standards of § 14.04.04F. apply.
2. When the standards of that section require the construction of a wall or fence, the following applies:
a. If the applicant’s property is in the R-3 or R-M Districts, the required landscaping shall be installed on the side of the fence or wall facing towards the adjacent lot with a single- or 2- family dwelling; and
b. If the applicant’s property is in any other district except the R-A, R-E, R-1, R-2, or RMH Districts, the required landscaping shall be installed on the side of the fence or wall facing towards the R-A, R-E, R-1, R-2, or RMH Districts.
E. Parking, loading, and circulation.
1. No parking area, drive-through lane, or vehicle circulation driveway shall be located between a primary structure on a lot containing a use other than a single- or 2-family use and any side property line abutting a lot containing a single- or 2-family dwelling.
2. If the context of a site makes division E.1. above impractical, the Zoning Administrator may approve a parking lot design that locates a parking area, drive-through lane, vehicle circulation driveway, or a combination of these 3 site planning elements, in the area described in division E.1. above, provided all of those 3 site planning elements are located at least 6 feet from an adjacent lot containing a single- or 2-family dwelling.
F. Lighting height. The maximum height of any lighting pole within 50 feet of the side or rear lot lines of lots subject to this section shall be 20 feet.
(Ord. 16-1141, passed 2-23-2016)