(A)   General.
      (1)   Landscape plans for new or replacement residential buildings shall be reviewed by the Director of Community Development based on the minimum criteria in this section and where applicable, conditions of approval established by the Board or Commission through the development approval.
      (2)   The plans shall be consistent with the City of Lake Forest Landscape Guidelines and Plant List, as may be established by the City Manager or the Manager’s designees from time to time and must satisfy the following minimum criteria.
   (B)   Minimum criteria.
      (1)   (a)   In the front yard, two shrubs, with a minimum height of 36 inches at the time of planting, must be planted for every ten linear feet of foundation along the portion of the building facing a public or private street.
         (b)   The linear foot measurement shall be determined by rounding up or down to the nearest ten.
      (2)   (a)   In the corner side yard, two shrubs, with a minimum height of 36 inches at the time of planting, must be planted for every ten linear feet of foundation along the portion of the building facing a public or private street.
         (b)   The linear foot measurement shall be determined by rounding up or down to the nearest ten.
      (3)   In addition to divisions (B)(1) and (B)(2) above, two of the following must also be satisfied:
         (a)   Two three-inch shade trees must be planted on the site for each 100 linear feet of foundation, or portion thereof, along the front and corner side yards;
         (b)   Three three-inch under story or ornamental trees must be planted on the site for each 100 linear feet of foundation, or portion thereof along the front and corner side yards; and/or
         (c)   Three six to eight-foot evergreens must be planted on the site for each 100 linear feet of foundation, or portion thereof along the front and side yards.
      (4)   Planting beds around the perimeter of the building must be covered with ground cover or mulch.
   (C)   Ability to waive requirement for landscape plan. The Director of Community Development may waive the minimum landscape requirement and the requirement for a landscape plan if the petitioner demonstrates that one or more of the following conditions are satisfied:
      (1)   Sufficient mature trees and vegetation exist on the site in a manner that meets the intent of the regulations;
      (2)   Installing plant material would compromise the health, vitality or ecology of the existing vegetation on the site, or on neighboring sites; and/or
      (3)   Significant open space or vistas would be negatively impacted by the installation of the required plants.
(Prior Code, § 42-52) (Ord. 01-38, passed 12-3-2001; Ord. 04-10, passed 1-15-2004)