(A)   Any tree on private property which overhangs any sidewalk, street or other public property in such a way as to impede or interfere with traffic, and any tree or limb which has become likely to fall on or across any public right-of-way or public property, shall be trimmed or removed by the owner of the property on which the tree grows so that the obstruction or danger is removed.
   (B)   If a determination is made by the Director of Public Works or the Director of Parks and Recreation that a tree poses an immediate threat to life or limb, the Director of Public Works or the Director of Parks and Recreation may order the removal of the portion of the tree posing the immediate threat.
(Prior Code, § 42-9) (Ord. 01-38, passed 12-3-2001; Ord. 2010-16, passed 5-3-2010; Ord. 2010-32, passed 6-7-2010)