The CROYA Adult Board shall:
   (A)   Study and evaluate the need for services for the young adult populations of the city and cooperating units of local government. Such evaluations shall consider comprehensive health and wellness status, economic conditions, family needs, vocational and social activities, leadership and life skill development, and community engagement;
   (B)   Involve the residents, particularly young adults, in the planning and development of youth activities and programs, link young adults and their families needing services to appropriate providers, and promote existing groups, schools and agencies to work cooperatively to fill service gaps most effectively and economically;
   (C)   Promote and educate the public about the importance and need for young adult services through an established and effective public relations program;
   (D)   Support and advise in financial planning and secure adequate budget support from the city and other appropriate community agencies;
   (E)   Support and advise the CROYA Foundation with financial planning and adequate research in allocation of budget needs;
   (F)   Initiate and foster the cooperation between the CROYA Adult Board and city staff and departments by providing encouragement, support and working in partnership to provide a team approach to the consideration of agency direction, concerns and practices; and
   (G)   Provide general oversight for CROYA staff by participating in quarterly communication/goal- setting meetings with middle school and high school district leadership and other social service providers germane to CROYA operations and services.
(Ord. 2010-53, passed 12-6-2010)