(A)   Contagious disease refuse. The removal of wearing apparel, bedding or other refuse from homes or other places where highly infectious or contagious diseases have prevailed shall be performed as directed by, and under the supervision of the Fire Chief. Such refuse shall not be placed in containers for regular collections.
   (B)   Inflammable, explosive or other dangerous refuse. Highly inflammable or explosive materials, acids, highly corrosive materials and other materials, the handling or disposal of which would present a hazard to the city’s collectors or to the public, shall not be placed in containers for regular collection but shall be disposed of as directed by the Fire Chief at the expense of the owner or possessor thereof.
(Prior Code, § 18-25) (Ord. 91-59, passed 9-3-1991; Ord. 2015-56, passed 10-5-2015)