(A)   The Director of Finance shall prepare a monthly summary of all warrants (the “warrant list”) to be drawn on the city treasury for the payment of all sums due from the city (including all warrants relating to payroll and invoice payments) by fund and shall prepare a detailed list of invoice payments which denotes the person to whom the warrant is payable.
   (B)   (1)   The warrant list detail of invoice payments shall be presented for review to the Chairperson of the City Council’s Finance Committee (or to another member of the City Council as designated by the Finance Committee Chairperson) for review and recommendation. All items on the warrant list detail recommended for payment by the Finance Committee Chairperson (or the Chairperson’s designee) shall be presented in summary form to the City Council for approval or ratification pursuant to division (A).
      (2)   Any member of the City Council shall, upon request made to the City Manager or Director of Finance, receive a copy of the warrant list detail as recommended by the Finance Committee Chairperson (or the Chairperson’s designee).
   (C)   The City Council may approve the warrant list as so recommended by the Finance Committee Chairperson (or the Chairperson’s designee) by a concurrence of the majority of the City Council as recorded through a roll call vote.
(Ord. 2011-20, passed 9-19-2011; Ord. 2016-02, passed 1-19-2016)