(A)   Creation, composition, term. There is hereby created the City Plan Commission herein referenced as “the Commission.”
      (1)   The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council, shall appoint seven Commissioners with one of the members appointed as Chairperson. In order to maintain continuity among Commissioners, each member may serve a maximum of three consecutive two-year terms with said terms of the various Commissioners being set to expire on a staggered basis relative to each other.
      (2)   Commissioners may continue to serve beyond the expiration of the term until a replacement is appointed by the Mayor.
      (3)   Four members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum.
      (4)   Members serve at the discretion of the Mayor.
      (5)   The Commission shall include persons of diverse backgrounds with each Commissioner demonstrating various skills, knowledge and expertise that facilitate the review of matters that come before the Commission.
      (6)   One member of the Plan Commission may serve concurrently on the Zoning Board of Appeals with the terms for each body being distinct and separate.
      (7)   One member of the Plan Commission may serve concurrently on the Historic Preservation Commission with the terms for each body being distinct and separate.
      (8)   In the event of a vacancy, the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, shall appoint a new Commissioner to fill the remainder of the term in question.
   (B)   Purpose. The Plan Commission serves as a recommending body to the City Council on matters pertaining to land use and development including, but not limited to, zone changes, code amendments, subdivisions, special use permits, the Comprehensive Plan and special studies. The Plan Commission provides a forum for public input and deliberation with a focus on long term planning in a manner that safeguards the character, traditions, quality of life and property values of the city.
   (C)   Powers and duties. The Plan Commission shall discharge the following duties under this chapter:
      (1)   Review all applications for subdivisions, planned preservation subdivisions and planned developments and for any other matters prescribed by the terms of this chapter;
      (2)   Review all applications for special use permits for new developments as required by § 159.048 and §§ 159.109 through 159.114, relating to the various business districts;
      (3)   Review all applications for amendments to the official city zoning map and to this chapter;
      (4)   On an annual basis, update the official city zoning map;
      (5)   Hold public hearings and make recommendations on other matters as appropriate which it is required to consider under this chapter;
      (6)   Recommend to the City Council amendments to the subdivision regulations and this chapter of the city code and the City Comprehensive Plan as from time to time it deems appropriate after notice of and hearings with respect thereto in accordance with § 159.044;
      (7)   Conduct special studies as directed from time to time by the City Council; and
      (8)   Provide to the City Council recommendations with respect to all of the duties listed above along with documentation of the Commission’s findings in support of the recommended action in the manner prescribed herein.
(Prior Code, § 46-22) (Ord. eff. 1-15-1972; Ord. 91-1(A), passed 1-7-1991; Ord. 94-49, passed 11-7-1994; Ord. 2009-03, passed 1-5-2009)