(A)   In the office and business districts, one wall or window sign may be permitted on the front facade, not exceeding 5% of the wall area parallel or most nearly parallel to the public way or 25 square feet, whichever is lesser.
   (B)   In the Office Research District, one wall sign shall be permitted on the front facade of a principal building having an area in square feet not exceeding twice the number of lineal feet of such facade or 250 square feet, whichever is less.
   (C)   An additional sign on a corner building with frontage on two public streets may be permitted by the Building Review Board provided that said sign shall be deducted from the total maximum sign area allowed for the front facade.
   (D)   The information contained on a wall or window sign shall be limited to the regular name of business as it appears on the records of the State Department of Revenue and a maximum of three words describing products or services.
   (E)   Wall signs shall be no more than six inches in depth and placed flush to the face of the building on which they are attached. Further, said signs shall not be permitted to extend above the fascia line or coping line for the wall to which said sign is attached, for one story or located above the first floor elevation of the building, unless specifically approved by the Building Review Board.
(Prior Code, Ch. 36, § 1, Art. V, B) (Ord. 93-64, passed 10-4-1993)