(A)   (1)   In the office and business districts, one freestanding sign not exceeding a total area of 24 square feet per side shall be permitted on each zoning lot which is developed with a principal building.
      (2)   Said sign shall not exceed:
         (a)   Five feet in height from grade, if lighted; or
         (b)   Eight feet in height from grade, if not lighted.
   (B)   In the Office Research District, one freestanding sign per lot not exceeding 100 square feet in signage area may be erected provided that said sign shall not exceed:
      (1)   Six feet in height, if lighted; or
      (2)   Ten feet in height, if not lighted.
(Prior Code, Ch. 36, § 1, Art. V, A) (Ord. 93-64, passed 10-4-1993)