§ 153.21 VARIATIONS.
   (A)   The Building Review Board, upon written application for a sign permit or for a variation from the regulations contained in this section to allow for the continued use of an existing sign, and having reviewed the same, may authorize the issuance of a sign permit or in the case of an existing sign, the continued use of said sign, for signs that do not fully comply with the requirements of this chapter provided that the Building Review Board, prior thereto, makes one or more of the following findings of fact:
      (1)   The proposed or existing sign is compatible with surrounding land uses and/or building signs;
      (2)   The granting of approval for this proposed or existing sign is consistent with the overall purpose of the sign regulations; or
      (3)   Due to unique circumstances or safety considerations, the proposed or existing sign is aesthetically consistent with the environment and because of these circumstances or considerations, it is necessary that a variation be granted for the erection of the proposed sign or the continued use of an existing sign.
   (B)   In the event of a denial of a variation, the applicant shall have the right to appeal the action directly to the City Council. The City Council may, by a majority vote, refer the application back to the Building Review Board or set aside the action of the Building Review Board, and order the issuance of the variation in accordance with the application thereof.
   (C)   A sign approved by the Building Review Board shall be considered void if the work covered by the review has not been started within 90 days from when the permit is issued and completed within one year or if a permit is not issued for the sign within two years of Building Review Board approval.
(Prior Code, Ch. 36, § 1, Art. III, G) (Ord. 93-64, passed 10-4-1993)