§ 135.012 SMOKE.
   The emission of dense smoke from the smoke stack of any locomotive, or from any chimney, or from any fire, furnace boiler, engine, chimney or stack, anywhere within the corporate limits of the city, shall be deemed and is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and is prohibited; the owner or owners of any locomotive or engine, and the person or persons employed as engineers, or otherwise, in the working of said engine or engines, or in the operating of such locomotive, and the proprietor, lessee and occupant of any laundry, green house, factory, power house or of any building or structure whatsoever, who shall cause, permit to allow dense smoke to issue or to be emitted from any such locomotive, engine, laundry, greenhouse, factory, power house or of any building or structure whatsoever shall be deemed and held guilty of creating a nuisance.
(Prior Code, § 26-11) Penalty, see § 135.999