(A) It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Services, subject to the ordinances of the city and under the general supervision of the City Manager within the authority granted by the City Council, to provide day to day coordination and long-range planning and budgeting direction for the operations and functions of the Engineering, Streets and Sanitation, and Water Departments, which operations and functions shall be as set forth in greater detail in other sections of this subchapter.
(B) In carrying out the aforementioned coordination and long-range planning duties the Director of Public Services shall have the authority to provide general supervision and direction to the Superintendent of Engineering, Superintendent of Streets and Sanitation, and the Superintendent of Water, such being department heads of the Engineering, Streets and Sanitation, and Water Departments. He or she shall also have such assistants and subordinates as may be required from time to time for the proper discharge of his or her office, subject to the approval of the City Manager and within authority granted by the City Council. The aforementioned department heads, assistants and subordinates shall be employed in a manner consistent with the approved personnel policies and practices of the city.
(C) The Director of Public Services shall keep accurate records showing the operations, accomplishments and expenses of his or her office, and shall make reports thereof periodically to the City Manager in such manner and at such times as shall be prescribed by the City Manager, which reports shall in turn be transmitted by the City Manager to the City Council from time to time as may be required by the City Council.
(D) It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Services, and he or she shall have the authority, to enforce all of the ordinances, rules and regulations of the city pertaining to areas, facilities, equipment and appurtenances thereto, that are within or under the jurisdiction of the departments under his or her general supervision and direction as hereinbefore described. The Director of Public Services shall have the authority to delegate such responsibilities and authority to the Superintendents of Engineering, Streets and Sanitation, and Water, or to one or more of his or her assistants or subordinates as he or she may deem necessary for the proper enforcement of such ordinances, rules and regulations, and for the proper and efficient functioning of the office of Director of Public Services.
(E) The Director of Public Services shall perform such other duties as the City Manager and the City Council may from time to time direct, except such as shall by statute or ordinance devolve upon other officers or departments of the City, or upon other agencies, either governmental or private.
(F) Wherever, in any ordinance, resolution, rule, regulation or directive of the City, reference is made to the Commissioner of Streets or to the Superintendent of Public Works, such reference shall be interpreted to mean the Director of Public Services, and all powers, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon the Commissioner of Streets or the Superintendent of Public Works in any ordinance, resolution, rule, regulation or directive of the City shall be considered as being conferred upon the Director of Public Services.
(Prior Code, § 34-12)
The following departments shall be under the general coordination and supervision of the Director of Public Services.
(A) Engineering Department.
(1) The operations and functions of this Department shall be under the immediate charge and direct supervision of the Superintendent of Engineering, who shall, as department head, report and be directly responsible to the City Manager for the efficient and proper performance of the day to day functions and operations of the said Department. In the area of coordination of operations and long-range planning and budgetary considerations, the Superintendent shall assist and be a subordinate of the Director of Public Services.
(2) The said Engineering Department shall, under the general supervision and approval of the City Surveyor and Engineer, be responsible for: the preparation of plans and specifications for all public improvements; preparation of ail surveys required by the city; preparation of all maps, plats and charts required in and about the matter of public works; preparation of all profiles, taking of all levels and establishment of all sidewalks and street grades for the city. Said Department shall provide the City Surveyor and Engineer with all necessary plans, specifications, detail and estimates required in connection with all improvements and maintenance work paid for with Motor Fuel Tax Funds, and shall assist in the supervision over construction of same.
(3) Said Department shall superintend and supervise all public work and public improvements, subject to the direction and approval of the City Surveyor and Engineer. The Superintendent of Engineering shall, upon request of the City Surveyor and Engineer and City Manager, make reports regarding public improvements, the repairs of streets, bridges and sidewalks; the making of new improvements.
(B) Streets and Sanitation Departments.
(1) The operations and functions of this Department shall be under the immediate charge and direct supervision of the Superintendent of Streets and Sanitation, who shall, as Department head, report and be directly responsible to the City Manager for the efficient and proper performance of the day to day functions and operations of the said Department. In the area of coordination of operations and long-range planning and budgetary considerations the Superintendent shall assist and be a subordinate of the Director of Public Services.
(2) The said Streets and Sanitation Department shall be responsible for: the care, maintenance, repair, cleaning and operation of all of the public streets, alleys and ways of the City, and the pavements, bridges, walks, sidewalks, crosswalks and parkways thereon and thereof, all of the street lights and traffic signal lights of the City, together with the cables, wiring, conduits and appurtenances thereto and therefor; all of the street name signs, traffic signs and other signs of the City, including traffic markings; all of the public parking lots of the City; all of the sanitary sewers, storm water sewers, drains, ditches and drainage ways of the City, together with the appurtenances thereto; the collection of garbage and refuse within the City and the disposal thereof, the maintenance and care of any public areas, places or facilities of the City where the maintenance and care thereof has not been assigned or delegated to some other agency of the City; and such other public works as the Director of Public Services may from time to time direct.
(C) Water Department.
(1) The operation and functions of this Department shall be under the immediate charge and direct supervision of the Superintendent of Water, who shall, as department head, report and be directly responsible to the City Manager for the efficient and proper performance of the day to day functions and operations of the said Department. In the area of coordination of operations and long-range planning and budgetary considerations, the Superintendent shall assist and be a subordinate of the Director of Public Services.
(2) The said Water Department shall be responsible for: the production, treatment, storage, transmission and distribution of the public water supply of the City, including the operation, maintenance, repairs and alteration of the water plant, the lands and properties devoted to, or contemplated for, use by or for the public water supply system, the water treatment and storage facilities, the water transmission and distribution pipes and mains and all of the appurtenances thereto and therefor, now owned or hereafter acquired by the City. The said Water Department shall be responsible for the furnishing, installing, maintaining, repairing and reading of all water meters used to measure the consumption of water by all users of water from the public water supply system of the City in such manner as may be prescribed by the ordinances, regulations and rules of the City, as approved by the City Council.
(3) The Superintendent of Water shall keep, or cause to be kept, an accurate record of the operations, activities, income and expenses of the said Water Department, which records shall be kept and reported to the City Manager periodically at such times and in such form as shall be prescribed by the City Manager within the authority granted by the City Council; and which records and reports shall in turn be transmitted by the City Manager to the City Council from time to time as the City Council may require.
(4) The Superintendent of Water shall keep, or cause to be kept, a correct and complete map or set of maps of the properties, facilities, pipes and mains of the public water supply system, now or hereafter constructed, showing dimensions, sizes, locations, connections, valves, hydrants and such other information relative thereto as may be required; and all such maps shall be open and available at all reasonable times for reference to and inspection by the City Council and other agencies of the City.
(5) The Superintendent of Water shall from time to time make recommendations and bring to the attention of the City Manager and the City Council such alterations, additions or extensions to the existing public water supply system which he or she may deem necessary for the proper operation and adequate capacity of said water supply system.
(6) The Superintendent of Water shall assist in the preparation of suitable forms and procedures for water billing, tapping permits, hydrant permits and such other forms and procedures as may from time to time be considered necessary. All such forms and procedures shall be subject to the approval of the City Manager within the authority granted by the City Council.
(7) The Superintendent of Water shall keep, or cause to be kept, a permanent record of all permits issued which pertain to the operations and facilities of the public water supply system.
(8) The Superintendent of Water shall take, and submit to the proper agency of the state, all samples of water for testing as may be required; and shall be responsible for the operation of the laboratory facilities of the Water Department and such periodic testing of the water supply, both raw and treated, as may be required to determine its purity and potability for public consumption. He or she shall submit reports on all such tests to the City Manager for transmittal to the City Council and to such other governmental and private agencies as may be required by statute, ordinance or directive.
(9) The Superintendent of Water shall prescribe, prepare and publish uniform rules and regulations governing the proper control of water service installations and connected to, or to be connected to, the public water supply system of the city, and from time to time shall amend and supplement such rules and regulations in such manner as may be deemed necessary; and such uniform rules and regulations, and any amendments and supplements thereto, shall, upon approval by the City Council, be binding upon all persons, organizations and agencies having, or proposing to have, water service installations connected to the public water supply system of the city. Copies of such uniform rules and regulations shall be kept on file in the office of the Water Department, for examination by the public.
(Prior Code, § 34-13)