§ 152.023 FINAL PLAN.
   (A)   Submission of the final plan is to provide the Plan Commission, County Health Department, County Surveyor, and the County Highway Department the opportunity to review the final detailed drawings and utility plans for the proposed project prior to approval of the final development plan.
   (B)   Submission of the final plan shall be in reasonable conformance with the approved preliminary plan and in accordance with any changes requested on the preliminary plan by any of the reviewing agencies.
   (C)   The final plan shall contain the following information.
      (1)   General requirements. All final plans shall bear signature and seal of an Indiana Registered Land Surveyor and/or Engineer and shall be legibly prepared in the following manner:
         (a)   With waterproof, non-fading, black ink on tracing cloth or equal material, 24 inches by 36 inches in size. When more than one sheet is used for any plan, each sheet shall be numbered consecutively and shall contain a notation giving the total number of sheets in the plan, and showing the relation of that sheet to the other sheets.
         (b)   At a scale of not smaller than 100 feet to the inch. Where more than one sheet is necessary, a small scale key drawing of the entire project, showing the portions of the project appearing on respective sheets, shall appear on the first sheet.
      (2)   Final plan and engineering information. The final plan shall clearly show:
         (a)   Identification block:
            1.   Proposed name;
            2.   Date, scale, "North" arrow; and
            3.   Name and address of owner, developer, planner, engineer, and surveyor preparing the plan.
         (b)   Engineering data:
            1.   Streets and drives.
               a.   The exact location by length and bearing of the centerline of all proposed streets and drives; and
               b.   Pavement width, estimated percent of gradient, and typical street cross-sections and profiles of all streets and drives.
            2.   Sanitary sewers, water supply, storm drainage. Final engineering plans and specifications for all sanitary sewers, water distribution system, and storm drainage, including typical details of all storm drainage and sanitary sewage appurtenances.
            3.   Sidewalks. The location and width of all common sidewalks.
            4.   Monuments.
               a.   All monuments erected, corners, and other points established in the field in their proper places. The material of which monuments, corners, or other points is made shall be noted at the representation thereof, or by legend.
               b.   The exact location of the project indicated by distances and bearings with reference to a corner or corners of a section or half-section. In case any project crosses any section, quarter section, or quarter-quarter section lines, or is adjacent to any of the lines, all section, quarter section, or quarter-quarter section corners in or adjacent to the project shall be marked and referenced with monuments.
               c.   General location of all manufactured home stands. The location of all manufactured home sites shall be identified and numbered in consecutive order.
               d.   Submission of final plan shall also include letters of recommendation from:
                  i.   Lake County Highway Department;
                  ii.   Lake County Health Department; and
                  iii.   Lake County Surveyor's Office.
               e.   Submission of final plan shall include a letter of approval from the Indiana State Board of Health and Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
               f.   If the Plan Commission approves the final plan, the petitioner may request a building or zoning permit from the Plan Commission staff.
                  i.   No construction or grading shall be permitted prior to approval of the preliminary plan by the County Council.
                  ii.   After review of the final plan, the Plan Commission shall either approve or deny the final plan.
(Prior Code, § 152.023) (Ord. 1626, passed 6-13-1995) Penalty, see § 152.999