(A)   Only authorized vendors shall operate on the Lake County Fairgrounds property. Any unauthorized vendor shall be ordered to immediately cease operations and vacate Lake County Fairgrounds property in addition to being subject to any penalty under § 113.99. The Lake County Sheriff's Department shall assist with the unauthorized vendors removal, if necessary.
   (B)   Authorized vendors shall comply with all federal and state laws and regulations and with this chapter and with all the ordinances of Lake County, Indiana.
   (C)   The Lake County Fairgrounds has sole and final approval of a vendor by invitation and a vendor by invitation operates solely with the consent of the lessee of the function, event or activity holder. Should the lessee of the function, event or activity holder request the vendor by invitation to cease operations, the vendor by invitation shall cease operations immediately and vacate the Lake County Fairground's property. The Lake County Fairgrounds shall provide reasonable time for the vendor by invitation to leave the Lake County Fairgrounds property. Neither the lessee of the function, event, or activity holder, or the vendor by invitation shall have any course of action, legal or otherwise, against the Lake County Fairgrounds and its personnel, or the Lake County Council and its personnel.
   (D)   Should an authorized vendor be made aware of the operation of an unauthorized vendor and notify Lake County Fairgrounds personnel, Lake County Fairgrounds personnel shall, as soon as is feasible, order the unauthorized vendor to cease operations immediately and vacate Lake County Fairgrounds property. The authorized vendor shall have no course of action, legal or otherwise, against the Lake County Fairgrounds or the Lake County Council or its officials or personnel as to the timeliness of the order to vacate.
(Ord. 1368B, passed 1-14-2014) Penalty, see § 113.99