(A)   The term WATERCRAFT shall include all motorized and non-motorized water vessels and all personal watercraft.
   (B)   This subchapter encompasses all bodies of water within the boundaries of the County of Lake including but not limited to Lake Michigan, the East Chicago Marina, the Hammond Marina, Wolf/Lake, the Calumet River, and any other body of navigable water on which the Lake County Sheriff’s Marine Unit operates.
   (C)   A PUBLIC NUISANCE’ is defined as every watercraft which has been abandoned, is disabled or allowed to sink in within a body of water within the County of Lake is hereby to be a nuisance and the master, owner, or person in charge or control of any such watercraft shall immediately abate such nuisance.
   (D)   Every watercraft which has been abandoned, is disabled or allowed to sink within a body of water within the County of Lake is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
   (E)   The master, owner, or person in charge or control of any such watercraft shall immediately abate such nuisance upon notice from the Lake County Sheriff Marine Unit.
   (F)   The owner or master of any abandoned, disabled or sunk vessel shall pay to the County of Lake the following fees for services to the vessel by the Lake County Sheriff’ s Marine Unit:
Extinguishing fire on board
   less than 1 mile
   more than 1 mile
Pumping water from watercraft at marina
Degrounding of watercraft
$15 per foot
Other emergency services
$150 per hour
Fuel (5 gallons)
   (G)   At the time of the service by the Lake County Sheriff’s Marine Unit, the owner or person in charge of the watercraft shall receive a bill from the officer in charge. A duplicate copy of the bill will be filed by the Lake County Sheriff’s Marine Unit with the Sheriff ‘s Department in Crown Points, Indiana.
   (H)   The owner or person in charge of the watercraft is personally responsible for paying the fee for services. The bill may be paid by sending a certified check or money order in within ten days of the date of service to the Lake County Sheriff, 2293 North Main Street, Crown Point, Indiana or by delivering the payment in person to the Sheriff’s Department at the same address within ten days.
(Ord. 1333B, passed 3-30-2011)