§ 151.098 OS, OPEN SPACE.
   (A)   Description.
      (1)   The OS, Open Space District is primarily intended to accommodate and protect those lands designated in the Framework Plan as fulfilling local and regional public open space needs in the county.
      (2)   As such, only those uses that are compatible with or otherwise support public recreational, resource conservation or other open space purposes are permitted within the district.
      (3)   The OS District is not intended to accommodate new development but rather to respond to the regional open space needs generated by a growing population, as well as to accommodate those uses that by their very nature are of an open space character, with very low development intensity.
      (4)   The OS District is intended to implement the Regional Framework Plan’s “Open Space” future land use designation.
   (B)   Uses. Uses are allowed in the OS District in accordance with the use table of § 151.111.
   (C)   Dimensional standards. All development in the OS District is subject to the density and dimensional standards of §§ 151.125 through 151.132.
(Ord., § 5.14, passed 10-13-2009)