(A)   Description. The RC, Recreational Commercial District is primarily intended to accommodate commercial activities that are dependent upon locations near recreational resources, such as lakes. The district also accommodates retail sales and service and other convenience uses that customarily provide service near recreational areas. The regulations of the RC District are intended to encourage maintenance and upkeep of existing commercial recreation neighborhoods, while ensuring that any new development is of a similar character and scale. It is not generally intended to be applied to large, undeveloped parcels. The RC District is intended to implement the Regional Framework Plan’s “Retail/Commercial” future land use designation.
   (B)   Uses. Uses are allowed in the RC District in accordance with the use table of § 151.111.
   (C)   Dimensional standards. All development in the RC District is subject to the density and dimensional standards of §§ 151.125 through 151.132.
(Ord., § 5.10, passed 10-13-2009)