(A)   Description. The GO, General Office District is primarily intended to accommodate office, office park, and research park development generally adjacent to primary highways. Standards that apply to development in the GO District ensure that development is visually attractive and well-buffered from abutting roadways and residential areas. The GO District is appropriate for application to areas that have been developed with office and research park uses. It may also be used to accommodate new development proposals that are or can be served by infrastructure. The GO District is intended to implement the Regional Framework Plan’s “Office/Research” future land use designation.
   (B)   Uses. Uses are allowed in the GO District in accordance with the use table of § 151.111.
   (C)   Dimensional standards. All development in the GO District is subject to the density and dimensional standards of §§ 151.125 through 151.132.
(Ord., § 5.8, passed 10-13-2009)