A.   Enforcement Officer: The Village Administrator or his or her designee shall be responsible for the review, issuance, enforcement, and revocation of accessory animal licenses pursuant to this Article.
B.   Eligibility; License Types: Only a resident of a property used as a single-family dwelling may apply for and receive an accessory animal license to keep either chickens or bees on their property.
C.   Form of Application: Applications for an accessory animal license must be made in a form and provided in a number determined by the Village Administrator.
D.   License Term: Accessory animal licenses issued shall be valid from the date of issuance until the next succeeding March 1. Licenses must be renewed annually.
E.   Maximum Number of Licenses: A maximum of fifteen (15) accessory animal licenses may be issued at any time.
F.   Application Fee: A non-refundable application fee shall accompany each application in the amount specified in Section 1-12-3 of this Code. Said fee is imposed to defray the costs and expenses of the Village's consideration of the application, regardless of the ultimate approval or disapproval of the license sought.
G.   Non-Transferable License: Licenses issued shall only be valid for the applicant listed on the application. A new license and application fee shall be required in the event that an applicant or licensee moves to a new address or transfers the chickens or bees to a person not already possessing an accessory animal license.
H.   Conditions of Approval: At the time of issuance or renewal, the Village Administrator may impose specific conditions upon the recipient of an accessory animal license to prevent or minimize adverse effects upon other property in the vicinity of the licensed activity. Such conditions shall be expressly set forth in the license. Violation of any such condition or limitation shall be a violation of this Article and shall constitute grounds for revocation of the license.
I.   Revocation: Any license issued under pursuant to this Article may be revoked by the Village Administrator for a violation of any condition imposed upon a license, any provision hereof, or upon satisfactory proof that the licensed activity was conducted in a manner detrimental to the public safety, health, or morals. Such revocation may be in addition to the imposition of any other fines or penalties under this Article or Code and shall be no defense to a prosecution for such violation.
J.   Appeal: In the event any applicant or licensee shall be refused a license by the Village Administrator, have their license revoked, or shall be otherwise aggrieved by the administration of this Article, he or she shall have the right to appeal from the decision of the Village Administrator to the Board of Trustees, who shall have the power to reverse or otherwise modify the decision of the Village Administrator. Such appeal shall be in writing, addressed to the President and Board of Trustees setting forth in detail the grounds of such appeal. An appeal must be sought no later than thirty (30) days after the date of the contested action. (Ord. 2021-2, 2-8-2021; amd. Ord. 2022-1, 1-10-2022)