A.   Submission: Whenever the owner of any tract or parcel of land within the corporate limits of the village, or within any unincorporated area lying within one and one-half (11/2) miles of the corporate limits of the village, wishes to subdivide or plat the same, the owner shall submit a letter of application with a tentative plat of said subdivision and related materials in eleven (11) copies to the board of trustees, village of Lake Bluff - attention: village administrator. The following pertinent guidelines are provided:
1.   Tentative plat content requirements and checklist: See section 11-5-1 of this title.
2.   Tentative plat sketch: See section 11-5-2 of this title.
3.   Subdivision design standards: See section 11-5-3 of this title.
4.   Public improvements: See section 11-5-4 of this title.
5.   Subdivider dedication and donations: See chapter 4 of this title.
B.   Review By Village Officials:
1.   The village administrator stall immediately refer copies of the tentative plat and supporting material to the plan commission, the village engineer and village attorney, with one copy placed on file at the village hall.
2.   The village engineer shall carefully examine the plat as to compliance with design standards, public improvement requirements and good engineering practices.
3.   The village attorney shall review all legal requirements. Both village engineer and attorney shall submit findings to the plan commission within fifteen (15) days.
C.   Plan Commission Meeting:
1.   Upon receipt of the tentative plat by the plan commission, the chairman shall, within thirty (30) days, call a meeting of said plan commission.
2.   The plan commission shall study the tentative plat, the village engineer and village attorney reports, and other material for conformity with this title and other ordinances of the village, and the plat's consistency with the official village plan. The commission may confer with the subdivider on changes deemed advisable and the kind and extent of improvements. Lands subject to flooding and land deemed to be topographically unsuitable shall not be subdivided for any purpose if the subdivision will result in any increased danger to health, life or property, or aggravate erosion or flood hazard. The plan commission shall not approve the subdivision of land if, upon adequate investigation conducted by the plan commission, with the assistance of the village engineer and village attorney, it has been determined by the plan commission that in the best interest of the public the site is not suitable for subdivision and development of the kind proposed, and such unsuitability is concurred by the village board.
D.   Changes; Approval Or Disapproval:
1.   The subdivider may make changes as are specified or required by the plan commission.
2.   If the plan commission has approved the tentative plat, the following certificate shall be stamped or lettered upon the plat and signed by the chairman of the plan commission:
Tentative approval by the Plan Commission of the Village of Lake Bluff, Lake County, Illinois this                    day of                   , A.D. 20        .
   Chairman, Plan Commission
3.   Upon completion of the above certificate, the plan commission shall transmit the tentative plat, a copy of the completed checklist and accompanying material to the village board, conveying to the board such information concerning said plat as deemed essential. The plan commission shall call to the attention of the village board all variances (if any) recommended by the commission and giving the reasons therefor.
4.   If the tentative plat is disapproved by the plan commission, the plan commission shall forward said plat, a copy of the checklist and all related materials to the village board, along with their recommendations for disapproval, and citing therein reason(s) therefor.
E.   Village Board Action:
1.   Upon receipt of the approved or disapproved tentative plat and accompanying information and related material from the plan commission, the village board shall review plan commission recommendations. If said tentative plat is found to conform to all requirements or unsatisfied requirements are waived, the said village board shall tentatively approve said tentative plat and shall certify said action by stamping or lettering on said plat the following certificate and authorize village president and clerk to sign same:
Tentative approval by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lake Bluff, Lake County, Illinois this                    day of                   , A.D. 20        .
   Village President
Village Clerk
2.   When the village board of trustees has given tentative approval to a plat, one copy shall be provided to the subdivider; one copy shall be forwarded to the chairman of the plan commission; two (2) copies filed for record in the office of the village clerk; one copy to the village attorney; and one copy to the village engineer.
3.   If the village board of trustees does not approve the plat, they shall indicate such changes as they deem necessary in order that it may conform to village board requirements, this title and other pertinent ordinances of the village, and return same, along with a copy of the completed checklist, to the plan commission for further consideration.
4.   Upon final tentative approval by the plan commission, the tentative plat checklist and all related material shall be resubmitted to the president of the board of trustees. If the president of the village board, with the advice and agreement of the village attorney and village engineer, is satisfied that all changes to the plat requested by the village board have been made, he shall execute the tentative plat certificate, as attested by the village clerk, and cause distribution to be made to the subdivider, the chairman of the plan commission, the village attorney, village engineer and the official village clerk repository. However, if all changes to the plat requested by the village board have not been made, the tentative plat shall be the subject of further village board agenda action. (Ord., 4-11-1978)