A.   Identification Of Trees By Group: Trees within the village are defined into four (4) groups, groups A, B, C, and D, based on ratings provided in the tree species standards for species characteristics including environmental adaptability, biological traits, longevity, maintenance needs, and landscape value. Group A trees are the highest rated trees, and group D trees are the lowest rated. The complete list of species in each group is set forth in appendix A, section 10-11-13 of this chapter.
B.   Protected Trees Designated:
1.   Protected trees are those trees in groups A, B, and C with the minimum dbh listed below:
Protected Trees
Minimum DBH
All public trees
2 inches
Group A
3 inches
Group B
6 inches
Group C
10 inches
2.   When a protected tree has a multistemmed trunk system, the minimum dbh shall be determined utilizing the trunk having the largest measurement as determined by a calculation in inches at a point four and one-half feet (4.5') above the existing grade at the base of the tree.
C.   Exclusions: Protected trees do not include trees with a dbh below the minimum dbh as provided in subsection B of this section, group D trees, or exotic and invasive species. (Ord. 2008-22, 9-9-2008)