The intent of this guide is to identify tree species by genetic quality and community value and to assign them to a species group based on these two (2) criteria. The species groups are noted as A, B, C, and D. Species group A is the most highly rated group. Species group D is the lowest rated group and includes the tree species that are not protected in this chapter. The species rating guide is the basis for assessing the relative value of trees to be protected and mitigated if they are damaged or removed.
This guide represents the tree species that are considered to be the most common tree species in the community. This guide is not an attempt to list all tree species that could successfully grow in the community. In the event that the village forester encounters a tree species that is not listed in this rating guide, then it shall be the responsibility of the village forester to assign that tree species to the appropriate species group.
Canopy trees: | |
Aesculus glabra | Ohio buckeye |
Carya cordiformis | Bitternut hickory |
Carya ovata | Shagbark hickory |
Celtis occidentalis | Hackberry |
Cladrastis lutea | American yellowwood |
Corylus colurna | Turkish filbert |
Fagus grandiflora | American beech |
Fagus sylvatica | European beech |
Ginkgo biloba | Ginkgo (male) |
Gymnocladus dioicus | Kentucky coffeetree |
Quercus alba | White oak |
Quercus bicolor | Swamp white oak |
Quercus ellipsoidalis | Hill's oak |
Quercus imbricaria | Shingle oak |
Quercus macrocarpa | Bur oak |
Quercus muehlenbergii | Chinquapin oak |
Quercus prinus | Chestnut oak |
Quercus rubra | Red oak |
Tilia Americana | American linden (basswood) |
Understory/ornamental trees: | |
Acer campestre | Hedge maple |
Acer ginnala | Amur maple |
Acer griseum | Paperback maple |
Acer palmatum | Japanese maple |
Amelanchier | Serviceberry |
Carpinus caroliniana | American hornbeam (blue beech) |
Cercis canadensis | Redbud |
Chionanthus virginicus | White fringe tree |
Cornus alternafolia | Pagoda dogwood |
Cornus kousa | Kousa dogwood |
Cornus mas | Cornelian cherry dogwood |
Crataegus grus-galli | Cockspur hawthorn |
Crataegus phaenopyrum | Washington hawthorn |
Malus spp. | Crabapple |
Ostrya virginiana | American hophornbeam (ironwood) |
Syringa pekinensis | Pekin lilac |
Syringa reticulata | Japanese tree lilac |
Evergreen trees: | |
Juniperous virginiana | Eastern red cedar |
Thuja occidentalis techny | |
Canopy trees: | |
Acer rubrum | Red maple |
Acer saccharum | Sugar maple |
Betula nigra | River birch |
Cercidiphyllum japonicum | Katsura tree |
Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis | Thornless honey locust |
Juglans nigra | Black walnut |
Liriodendron tulipifera | Tuliptree |
Metasequoia glyptostroboides | Dawn redwood |
Phellodendron amurense | Amur corktree |
Platanus x acerifolia | London planetree |
Populas tremuloides | Quaking aspen |
Quercus palustris | Pin oak |
Quercus robur | English oak |
Sophora japonica | Japanese pagodatree |
Taxodium distichum | Bald cypress |
Tilia cordata | Littleleaf linden |
Tilia x euchlora "Redmond" | Redmond linden |
Ulmus | Hybrid elm |
Ulmus parvifolia | Chinese elm |
Understory/ornamental trees: | |
Aesculus parviflora | Bottlebrush buckeye |
Aesculus pavia | Red buckeye |
Alnus glutinosa | European alder |
Betula platyphlla | Whitespire birch |
Carpinus betulus | European hornbeam |
Magnolia x soulangiana | Saucer magnolia |
Parrotia persica | Persian parrotia |
Prunus americana | American plum |
Prunus padus | European bird cherry |
Pyrus calleryana | Callery pear |
Evergreen trees: | |
Abies concolor | White fir (concolor fir) |
Picea abies | Norway spruce |
Picea glauca | White spruce |
Picea pungens | Colorado spruce |
Pinus strobus | White pine |
Pseudotsuga menziesii | Douglas fir |
Canopy trees: | |
Acer platanoides | Norway maple |
Acer saccharinum | Silver maple |
Catalpa speciosa | Catalpa |
Liquidambar styraciflua | Sweetgum |
Platanus occidentalis | Sycamore |
Populus deltoides | Cottonwood (male) |
Prunus serotina | Black cherry |
Robinia pseudoacacia | Black locust |
Salix alba | White willow |
Salix nigra | Black willow |
Salix niobe | Weeping willow |
Ulmus americana | American elm |
Ulmus rubra | Red elm |
Ulmus thomasii | Rock elm |
Understory/ornamental trees: | |
Betula papyrifera | Paper birch |
Crataegus laevigata | English hawthorn |
Crataegus mollis | Downy hawthorn |
Prunus virginiana | Common chokecherry |
Sorbis americana | American mountain ash |
Zelkova serrata | Zelkova |
Evergreen trees: | |
Pinus nigra | Austrian pine |
Pinus resinosa | Red pine |
Pinus sylvestris | Scotch pine |
Thuja occidentalis techny | Techny arborvitae (for the purpose of calculating the replacement formula for removal of this tree species pursuant to subsection 10-11-7C of this chapter but not when used as a replacement tree pursuant to subsection 10-11-7D2 of this chapter) |
Acer negundo | Boxelder maple |
Ailanthus altissima | Tree of heaven |
Elaeagnus angustifolia | Russian olive |
Fraxinus americana | White ash |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica | Green ash |
Fraxinus quadrangulata | Blue ash |
Morse speciosa | Mulberry spp. |
Populus alba | White poplar |
Populus deltoides | Cottonwood (female) |
Populus nigra "italica" | Lombardy poplar |
Rhamnus cathartica | Buckthorn |
Ulmus pumila | Siberian elm |
(Ord. 2008-22, 9-9-2008; amd. Ord. 2011-23, 11-28-2011)