8-1A-3: METERS:
A.   Required: All water furnished and sold by the village from the public water system of the village shall be measured by water meters and paid for at water rates as herein fixed and determined. With the exception of meters replaced at village expense due to normal wear and tear 1 , water meters shall be purchased from the village and installed and sealed, and thereafter kept in repair, all at the expense of the water taker or property owner. All meters shall be equipped with an operating outside reading service, unless the village administrator or his/her designee determines otherwise. (Ord. 95-27, 8-14-1995)
B.   New Service: All new water service shall be metered. New services include, but are not limited to, water service in new construction of all types. (1988 Code § 5-1A-3-2)
C.   Installation; Upkeep:
1.   Meter Connection Required: All water takers or parties desiring to use water from the village water system shall be required to cause a meter of such make as shall be approved by the village administrator to be connected with the service pipe, furnishing the supply in such manner that all water so furnished or supplied shall pass through said meter and be measured and registered.
2.   Location: The location of meters shall be determined by the director of public works, or someone duly authorized by him, and shall be so placed as to be easily accessible for the purpose of making repairs, inspection or taking statements of the index thereof. (1988 Code § 5-1A-3-3)
3.   Obstructions; Turn Off For Violation; Fee: In case obstructions are so placed that a meter is not easily accessible, the director of public works shall notify the party controlling the same to remove the obstruction, and in case of failure, refusal or neglect to do so within a reasonable time, to be stated in the notice, the director shall turn off the supply, or instruct his duly authorized representative so to do, and it shall not be turned on again until the obstructions have been removed and the fee for turning on and off the water set out in section 1-12-3 of this code, under the category "user charges and connection fees", is paid. (1988 Code § 5-1A-3-3; amd. 2009 Code)
D.   Right To Inspect; Inaccurate Meters:
1.   Meters Accessible: All meters and reading devices shall be installed by the property owner under the supervision and direction of the director of public works, or his duly authorized representative, and sealed by him, and so placed and maintained as to be accessible to the director of public works, or someone duly authorized by him, at all reasonable hours.
2.   Inaccuracy: If a meter at any time fails to accurately register and measure the quantity of water used, the amount used shall be determined and charges made therefor by the director of public works on the average quantity registered and measured for a period similar in time and character when such meter was accurately registering and measuring water. No deduction shall be made on account of leakage after water has passed through a meter. (1988 Code § 5-1A-3-4)
E.   Repairs; Removal: No water meter shall be repaired, changed, altered, disconnected or in any way disturbed except by an authorized representative of the village; provided, however, that in the event of freezing, dangerous leak or other emergency, a licensed plumber may, without first obtaining a permit, remove such meter from the line, but in no case from the premises. Notice of such removal shall be given by such plumber to the village within twenty four (24) hours thereafter. (1988 Code § 5-1A-3-5)
F.   Meter Readings; Estimated Bills: Whenever access to any premises furnished water by the village cannot be gained for the purpose of an annual meter reading, a meter card will be left on the premises for the consumer to enter his current actual readings of his water meter and return to the village. In the event such meter card or a verbal report of the current reading is not received by the village within five (5) days after the card is left on the premises, an estimated bill, based upon usage for a corresponding period of the previous year, will be billed to the consumer. (1988 Code § 5-1A-3-6)
G.   Separate Meters Required: Not more than one residence, house, business building or one main edifice shall be permitted to measure water from one meter except necessary appurtenances to such main building, and in no case shall two (2) dwellings be allowed to be metered from one meter. (1988 Code § 5-1A-3-7)
H.   Use Of Additional Meters: Where more than one meter is used in supplying water to one residence or house, not including, however, apartment or business buildings, the water thereby supplied shall be measured through such meters as a single unit, and only one minimum charge shall be made, and the balance of water measured through such meters shall be billed as water used in excess of the minimum charge as hereinafter provided. (1988 Code § 5-1A-3-8)



1. Ordinance 95-27 shall be effective for all meters replaced due to normal wear and tear since January 1, 1995, and following passage by the board of trustees and publication in pamphlet form in a manner required by law.