A. Approval Conditions: Where individual sewage disposal systems are to be used for any subdivision or resubdivision of any subdivision, tract, parcel, or lot of land into two (2) or more parts of mapping, platting, conveyance, change or rearrangement of boundaries, the Enforcement Officer shall review each lot to ensure it will have an area suitable for an individual sewage disposal system and the required expansion area sized for a five (5) bedroom residence. No subdivision shall be approved unless all final lots are determined by the Village to be suitable to support an individual sewage disposal system and the required expansion area, both for a five (5) bedroom residence in accordance with the following standards:
1. Site Suitability: The suitability of proposed subdivision sites utilizing individual soil absorption sewage disposal systems shall be determined by the results of the soil evaluations that are conducted in accordance with Chapter 6 of this Title, and by the platting of proposed lots with Chapter 9 of this Title.
2. Natural Resource Protection: The subdivision shall be designed to protect all natural resources such as drainageways, wetlands, wooded areas, surface waters, and soil conditions. Such information shall be provided by a registered professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of Illinois in accordance with Section 12-9-5 of this Title.
3. Expansion Areas: Every lot served by an individual sewage disposal system shall have an area of suitable soil for sewage disposal sufficient for both a primary system and the required expansion system, relative to soil conditions and system design. A review shall be made of the preliminary plat and the soil borings and lot lines shall be adjusted to eliminate any unsuitable lots.
4. Area Protection: All designated individual sewage disposal system areas must be protected from damage during the construction of the roads, utilities, drainage, etc., in the subdivision. Snow fencing, two-by-fours or equivalent shall be placed so as to protect wastewater disposal areas. (Ord. 96-O-16, 12-17-1996)