A. Games and Sports: No person shall engage in any sport, game or amusement on Village property except on such portions thereof as may be designated by the Village Board or the Village Administrator as its designee, and then only under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by them.
B. Firearms and Fireworks: No person, other than authorized personnel, shall carry or discharge firearms or air guns, or paint ball guns, or discharge or set off any rocket, cracker, torpedo, squib or other fireworks or things containing any substance of explosive nature on Village property.
C. Throwing Stones: No person shall throw or cast any stones or other missiles within, onto or across Village property.
D. Vehicles: No person, other than authorized personnel, shall bring or use any vehicle upon any Village property except in designated parking areas and then only when said Village property is open to such person.
E. Hindering Employees: No person shall interfere with, or in any manner hinder any employee of the Village while such employee is engaged in constructing, repairing or caring for any Village property.
F. Offering Articles For Sale: No person shall conduct any commercial activity, offer or exchange for sale any article or thing, do any hawking, peddling, selling, or buying an article or thing, on Village property, except when authorized to do so by permit from or contract with the President and Board of Trustees (also referred to as "Village Board") or the Village Administrator as its designee.
G. Public Meetings: No person or persons shall give any concert or public entertainment of any kind on any Village property without express consent of the Village Board or the Village Administrator as its designee, and then only if the Village Board has been reasonably satisfied as to the evidence of adequate liability insurance coverage naming the Village, and all its officers, employees and agents as additional insured, has been provided for such event.
H. Restricted Parts of Village Property:
1. No person shall enter upon any portion of any Village property where persons are prohibited from going by direction of any officer or employee of the Village as indicated by sign or notice.
2. The metal pole barn and the other farm building and sheds located on the Village property at 23585 N. Kelsey Road are closed to the public, unless use thereof and/or access thereto is specifically authorized by the Village Board, or by the Village Administrator as its designee.
I. Improper Speech and Conduct: No person shall use any abusive, threatening, insulting, indecent, profane or obscene language, or language calculated to occasion a breach of the peace, nor be guilty of any indecent act or behavior on any Village property.
J. Supervision of Minor Children: All minor children who are present on Village property shall be supervised by a parent or guardian.
K. Sleeping, Overnight Parking, And/Or Camping On Village Property: No person shall sleep on any Village property between sunset and sunrise, and overnight parking and/or camping on any Village property is prohibited, except when authorized to do so by permit from the Village Board, or its designee.
L. Use of Playground Equipment by Adult Prohibited; Use of Pond on the Village Property at 23872 N. Kelsey Road; Compliance with All Applicable Rules and Regulations:
1. No adult person shall in any manner use any of the playground apparatus or devices meant exclusively for the use of by children on Village property.
2. Parties using recreational equipment maintained by the Village on any property are required to comply with all posted rules and regulations relative to the use of such equipment. This same provision is likewise applicable to the use of the pond on the Village property at 23872 N. Kelsey Road.
M. Gambling: No betting, wagering, or gambling is allowed on any Village property at any time.
N. Fires: No person shall light or make use of any fire on any Village property, except in such portions thereof as may be indicated by any officer or employee of the Village for such purpose and then only under such regulations and conditions as are prescribed by the Village Board or by the Village Administrator as its designee.
O. Dumping Articles: No person shall deposit, dump, throw or place any rubbish, including clippings of trees, shrubs or grass, or junk of any kind, in, on, or upon any Village property. Paper, garbage or refuse matter shall not be so deposited except in receptacles provided for that purpose.
P. Advertisements: No person shall display any placard or advertisement of any kind on any Village property, nor shall any person distribute, cast, throw or place any handbill, pamphlet, circular, advertisement, notice of any kind nor post, stencil or otherwise affix any notice, or bills, advertisements or other papers upon any structure or thing in or about such premises.
Q. Birds and Animals:
1. No person, except authorized personnel, shall trap, catch, wound or attempt to trap, catch, wound or kill any bird or animal, to molest or rob any nest of any bird or animal on any Village property.
2. All dogs must be kept on a leash when on any Village property, and the person having ownership or control of such animal must immediately clean up after their dogs to prevent nuisances to others.
R. Damage to Village Property: No person shall cut, break, climb on, or in any way deface any tree, shrub, plant, turf or any of the buildings, fences or bridges, lamps or posts or any other structure or property within or upon any Village property.
S. Breach of Peace; Disorderly Conduct: No person shall make, countenance or assist in making any improper noise, riot, disturbance, breach of the peace or diversion tending to a breach of the peace, on any Village property, or be guilty of any disorderly conduct therein, or collect with any persons, in bodies and crowds, for unlawful purposes or for any purpose to the annoyance or obstruction or disturbance of other persons.
T. Resisting or Interfering with Officer and Employees: No person shall resist any officer or employee of the Village in the discharge of such officer's duty, or fail or refuse to obey any lawful command of any such employee or officer or in any way interfere with or hinder or prevent any such officer or employee from discharging such officer's duty.
U. Hours of Operation: The hours of operation of all outdoor facilities owned, maintained and/or controlled by the Village shall be open daily to the public during the hours of sunrise and sunset, with the exception of the Village’s Municipal Center (23860 N. Old Barrington Road), and the Village’s properties at 23585 N. Kelsey Road and 23872 N. Kelsey Road, at which locations the buildings and the structures and appurtenant parking areas thereon shall be open for use during such hours as authorized from time to time by the Village Board or the Village Administrator as its designate and so posted. It shall be unlawful for a person or persons, other than authorized personnel conducting official business to occupy or be present within or upon any Village property during any hours which a Village property is not open to the public, unless pursuant to a written agreement with the Village. Any section or part of a Village property may be declared closed to the public by an officer or employee of the Village at any time, for any interval of time, either temporarily or at a regularly stated time.
V. No Loitering in Parking Lot: It shall be unlawful for a person or persons to loiter in any of the parking lots controlled or owned by the Village.
W. Noise Pollution: Unless specifically approved in advance by the Village Board, no person shall generate any sound on any Village property by any means so that:
1. The sound pressure level measured at a distance of ten feet (10') or farther from the source exceeds eighty (80) decibels; or
2. The sound is audible at a distance of six hundred feet (600') or more from the point of generation.
X. Alcoholic Liquor:
1. No person shall bring onto or within, sell, give away or drink any alcoholic liquors on any Village property or on any public street, except: a) alcoholic liquor may be transported on public highways, streets and alleys but only in the original package and with the seal unbroken, except as otherwise permitted by Section 6-33 of the Illinois Liquor Control Act; or b) pursuant to a Class K special temporary license approved by the Village President as the Village's Local Liquor Control Commissioner, or by one of his deputies, authorizing the use of specified locations on Village property, issued pursuant to Subsection X. 2. of this Section and Subsection J of Section 2-3-6 of this Code.
2. A Class K special temporary liquor license for the use of specified locations on Village property for the purpose of the temporary sale, delivery and/or consumption on the licensed premises of alcoholic liquors may, in the sole discretion of and with the specific approval of the Village President as the Village's Local Liquor Control Commissioner, or by one of his deputies, be issued as provided in Subsection 2-3-6(J) of this Code and provided all of the following conditions have been met:
a. The written application for such Class K special temporary liquor license shall state the time period for which the license shall be applicable and shall state the specific location(s) on Village property where such activity will take place.
b. The applicant shall qualify for and obtain a Class K special temporary liquor license pursuant to this Code as determined by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner.
c. If the applicant proposes to sell alcoholic liquor on any Village property, such a Class K special temporary liquor license shall be issued to an applicant other than the Village only if the Local Liquor Control Commissioner or his or her designee has received written evidence that the Licensee has obtained dramshop liability insurance coverage in the maximum coverage limits in accordance with the Illinois Liquor Control Act, as such Act may be now or as hereafter amended, and such insurance coverage shall name the Village and all of its elected and appointed officials, employees and agents as additional insureds.
d. A Class K special temporary liquor license shall not authorize consumption of alcoholic liquor that was not purchased on the licensed premises, which is otherwise known as Bring Your Own Bottle ("BYOB") as defined in Section 2-3-2, "Definitions", of this Village Code, unless the applicant is the Village or another governmental entity.
e. Each applicant other than the Village shall, prior to the use of any Village property, file with the Village Clerk a certificate of insurance, and such certificate shall provide a minimum of two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence and in the aggregate of public liability and liquor liability coverage, unless such minimum coverage amount is reduced by the Village President in his or her discretion as the Village's Local Liquor Control Commissioner, or by one of his or her deputies, based upon the nature of the event, and such coverages shall name the Village, and all of its elected and appointed officials, employees, and agents as additional insureds.
f. Unless waived by the Village President as the Village's Local Liquor Control Commissioner, or by one of his deputies, prior to the issuance of any special temporary license as authorized by this Subsection X.2., each applicant for such a license, other than the Village, shall pay to the Village the estimated cost of setup, cleanup, and restoration as well as the costs of traffic and crowd control related to the event which shall include the costs of any police department, fire department, or other Village personnel or contractors utilized in conjunction with the event at a reasonable rate to be determined by the Village Administrator or his or her designee, as well as any third party costs when the Village Administrator determines that it is reasonably necessary for the Village to contract for additional services in conjunction with such an event. An estimate of such costs shall be provided to each such applicant prior to the issuance of the license showing the basis of the estimated costs. In the event that the estimated costs paid in advance exceed the actual costs, the overage shall be refunded to the applicant within thirty (30) days after such a determination has been made. Conversely, if the actual costs exceed the estimated costs that have already been paid, the applicant shall pay any unpaid balance of the actual costs within thirty (30) days after being invoiced for same by the Village. In addition, each applicant, other than the Village, shall agree in writing to and shall pay for any damage resulting from such an event held on Village property.
Y. Smoking and/or Vaping Prohibited: No person shall smoke or vape in a public place on any Village property except in that portion of a public place which may be established by the Village Board as a smoking or vaping area. (Ord. 93-O-16, 6-1-1993; amd. 1996 Code; Ord. 2018-O-17, 8-7-2018; Ord. 2018-O-21, 10-9-2018; Ord. 2021-O-05, 3-2-2021; Ord. 2021-O-09, 7-6-2021; Ord. 2024-O-15, 9-3-2024)