(A)   A commercial solicitation permit shall be a card containing the name of the soliciting agency or company, and the product being solicited, typed name of the solicitor, the date solicitation shall occur in the village, and the effective dates of the permit, in easily readable form. All permits shall bear the name of the village and the signature of the Village Clerk or a designated individual. Each person engaged in commercial solicitation shall prominently display the solicitation permit issued hereunder on his or her person while so soliciting within the village.
   (B)   A charitable or religious solicitation permit shall bear the name of the village and the signature of the Village Clerk or individual designated to examine applications for and issue such permits. Each person engaged in religious or charitable solicitation shall prominently display the solicitation permit issued hereunder on his or her person while so soliciting within the village.
(Ord. 729, passed 8-12-03)