(A)   It shall be unlawful to permit an animal or fowl of any kind to run at large within the village. Dangerous or vicious animals shall be confined by the owner within a building or secure enclosure and shall be securely muzzled or caged whenever off the premises of its owner. Any animal or fowl considered dangerous, abandoned, unrestrained or running at large shall be impounded at a licensed facility approved by the Village Manager. The impoundment facility shall keep a record of every such animal so impounded including the species, breed, color, and sex; and the owner’s name and address if available; whether the animal is licensed as required; and any other available information about such animal.
   (B)   Immediately after any animal is impounded, the Police Department shall notify the owner of the impoundment of the animal, if known, by telephone or, if notice by telephone is not immediate, by written notice. Such notice shall inform such owner of the manner by which the owner may regain custody of the impounded animal.
   (C)   The owner of an impounded animal redeem such animal by presenting to the impoundment facility satisfactory proof of ownership and, if the impounded animal is a dog or cat, proof of valid rabies inoculation, and by paying the impoundment fee and any other actual costs incurred by the impoundment facility in holding and treating such animal. No dog or cat shall be redeemed unless it has been vaccinated and licensed at its owner’s expense.
   (D)   Every impounded animal, where the owner is known, which is not claimed by the owner after seven business days may thereafter be made available for adoption by the impoundment facility or may be disposed of in a humane manner as established by the impoundment facility. Impounded animals, where the owner is not known, may, after five days, be made available for adoption by the impoundment facility or be disposed of in a humane manner as established by the impoundment facility.
(`70 Code, §6-9) (Ord. 287, passed 8-28-79; Am. Ord. 882, passed 11-25-08)