(A)   Any person driving any vehicle, object or contrivance upon any street or street structure is liable for all damage which the street or structure may sustain as a result of any illegal operation, driving or moving of the vehicle, object or contrivance, or as a result of operating, driving or moving any vehicle, object or contrivance exceeding the maximum dimensions or weighing in excess of the maximum weight specified in this division but authorized by a special permit issued as provided in this chapter. The measure of liability is the cost of repairing a facility partially damaged or the depreciated replacement cost of a facility damaged beyond repair together with all other expenses incurred by the city in providing a temporary detour, including a temporary structure, to serve the needs of traffic during the period of repair or replacement of the damaged street or street structure.
   (B)   Whenever the driver is not the owner of the vehicle, object or contrivance, but is so operating, driving or moving the same with the express or implied permission of the owner, then the owner and driver are jointly and severally liable to the extent provided in division (A) of this section.
(`70 Code, § 13-222)