(A) Establishment. The Village of La Grange Park hereby establishes a Tree Board which shall be a recommending body to provide assistance, direction and expertise to the village regarding the preservation, planting, management and protection of trees.
(B) Membership.
(1) The Village of La Grange Park's Sustainability Committee, formed by ordinance in 2009, will act as the Village of La Grange Park's Tree Board.
(2) The Sustainability Committee shall consist of seven members and one alternate member who shall be appointed by the Village President, subject to approval of the Village Board. It is recommended that individuals within the community who have expertise in horticulture, forestry, planning or related fields be sought as members of the Tree Board. At least one member of the Sustainability Committee, or village representative on the Committee shall be a certified arborist. The Village President shall designate one of the members to act as chairman of the Sustainabillty Committee, subject to the approval of the Village of La Grange Park Board. A member of the Village of La Grange Park Board shall be assigned to be an ex officio member of the Sustainability Committee without the power to vote.
(3) The appointed members shall serve for a period of three years. An alternate member shall be appointed for a term of one year. If a vacancy shall occur in the full membership, the alternate member shall be appointed to fill such vacancy. Vacancies in full and alternate membership shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments.
(C) Procedures. The Sustainability Committee shall keep written records of its proceedings, which shall be open at all times to public inspection. The Sustainability Committee shall file an annual report to the Village Board setting forth its past-year activities and recommendations for future action by the village.
(D) Powers and duties. The Sustainability Committee shall have the following powers and duties subject to the approval of the Village Board:
(1) To provide guidance on the preservation, care, management and protection of trees within the village in accordance with Urban Forestry Management Plan, regional and local best management practices.
(2) To prepare and recommend to the Village Board from time to time recommendations for specific improvements of the preservation, care, management and protection of trees within the village.
(3) To recommend rules and regulations to the Village Board for budget, plans, projects and schedules regarding the preservation, care, management and protection of trees within the village.
(4) To review the Village of La Grange Park Urban Forest Management Plan and provide recommendations for improvements to the Village of La Grange Park Entity Board.
(5) To work collaboratively with village forestry staff to support the village ordinances and Urban Forest Management Plan.
(6) Manage and administer all plans, programs, projects and tasks delegated to it by the Village Board as authorized and directed by the Village Board.
(7) The Tree Board shall hear any requests for appeal to this chapter and make recommendations to be forwarded to the Village of La Grange Park Board for a final decision.
(Ord. 1178, passed 6-29-22)