All off-street parking facilities shall comply with the following standards:
(A) Dimensions.
(1) Off-street parking spaces shall be shall be designed in accordance with Figure 13-1: Off-Street Parking Dimensions.
(2) All parking spaces shall have a minimum vertical clearance of seven feet, six inches.
(B) Access.
(1) Each off-street space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of such width as will provide adequate means of vehicular access to such parking space. All off-street parking facilities shall be provided with appropriate means of vehicular access in a manner that least interferes with traffic movement and allows the driver of the vehicle to proceed forward into traffic rather than back out.
(2) All required off-street parking facilities shall have vehicular access from a street, alley, driveway or cross-access connection.
(3) Within off-street parking facilities one-way traffic aisles shall be at least 12 feet in width and two-way traffic aisles shall be at least 24 feet in width. Furthermore, all aisles shall be designed in accordance with Figure 13-1: Off-Street Parking Dimensions.
(4) Driveways.
(a) Residential driveways, excluding multi-family and townhouse dwellings.
1. A residential driveway that provides access to a detached garage shall be no more than 12 feet in width. A driveway apron, the width of the garage as measured from the garage walls, is permitted to extend for a distance (depth) of 20 feet from the garage doors before tapering back to the required driveway width to allow access to the additional spaces. (See Figure 13-2: Residential Driveway Width.)
2. A residential driveway that provides access to an attached garage shall be no wider than the width of the garage. (See Figure 13-2.)
3. Driveways shall be located a minimum of one foot from the side lot line. However, a residential driveway may be located on the lot line if it physically abuts a driveway on the adjacent lot. This location shall only be allowed if agreed to by the owners of each lot, and such approval is recorded as a shared driveway easement on each plat of survey.
4. Single-family and two-family dwellings are permitted an additional paved parking pad. Such parking pads shall not be located in the front or corner side yard or setback, or within the required interior side setback. Any driveways must comply with the requirements of division (B)(4)(a)1. above. The maximum impervious surface requirement for the lot may not be exceeded to accommodate a parking pad. Figure 13-3: Parking Pad Location illustrates where a parking pad may be located.
(b) Multi-family and townhouse dwellings, and non-residential driveways.
1. Except for access to loading berths, no driveway shall have a width exceeding 24 feet. Driveways shall be a minimum of 12 feet for one-way drives, and a minimum of 24 feet for two-way drives.
2. Driveways, off-street parking areas and access aisles for multi-family residential and non-residential parking lots shall be designed in accordance with Figure 13-1: Off-Street Parking Dimensions.
(c) Single-family and two-family dwelling driveway curb cuts.
1. Only one driveway curb cut shall be permitted on a zoning lot for a new single-family or two-family dwelling, unless the lot has a lot width of 55 feet or more, in which case, two curb cuts are permitted to construct a circular drive. In no case, shall the impervious surface requirement be exceeded.
2. Existing lots with more than one curb cut and/or a circular driveway that exists at the time of adoption of this Code, may replace and repair the existing driveway, provided that the driveway is not enlarged and that the minimum impervious surface requirement for the lot is not exceeded at the time of replacement or repair.
(C) Surfacing. All open off-street parking areas shall be improved with a hard surfaced, all-weather dustless material as approved by the Village Engineer. Semi-pervious materials such as grass-crete and pervious pavers may also be used, subject to the approval of the Village Engineer.
(D) Striping. Off-street parking areas of four or more spaces shall delineate parking spaces with paint or other permanent materials, which shall be maintained in clearly visible condition. Parking spaces for handicapped persons shall be identified with the appropriate sign and shall be visible at all times of the year, regardless of snow cover, plant growth or similar conditions.
(E) Curbing and bumper stops. Bumper stops, wheel stops or curbing shall be provided to prevent vehicles from damaging or encroaching upon any adjacent parking or loading space, sidewalk, landscaped area or parking lot island, fence, wall or building. Curbing shall be at least six inches in height. The length of the parking stall shall be as indicated in Figure 13-1.
(F) Drainage and grading. Except for parking spaces accessory to a single-family detached dwelling, no area of any parking facility shall have a slope of more than 5%. No access ramp shall have a slope of more than 12%. Finished grade and drainage shall be designed by an Illinois Registered Engineer and approved by the Village Engineer.
(G) Lighting. Parking lot lighting shall be in accordance with § 153.192. Illumination of an off-street parking area shall be arranged so as to deflect light away from adjacent properties and streets.
(Ord. 929, passed 1-25-11; Ord. 1076, passed 1-23-18) Penalty, see § 153.999