§ 153.080 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of these planned unit development regulations is to:
   (A)   Encourage flexibility in the development of land and in the design of structures.
   (B)   Encourage planned diversification in the location of structures.
   (C)   Encourage a creative approach to the use of land that results in better development and design than might otherwise be accomplished under the strict application of other sections of this chapter.
   (D)   Provide for the efficient use of land to facilitate a more effective arrangement of land uses, buildings, circulation systems and utilities.
   (E)   Provide for more usable and suitably located open space and recreation areas than might otherwise be provided under the application of other sections of this chapter.
   (F)   Encourage the construction of appropriate aesthetic amenities which will enhance the character of the site.
   (G)   Guarantee quality construction commensurate with other developments within the community, and compatible with the character of the surrounding area and adjoining properties.
   (H)   Facilitate the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan, particularly with respect to areas designated for potential redevelopment within the Plan.
   (I)   Encourage quality construction and design through an efficient application procedure that is sensitive to the need for expeditious development review.
(Ord. 929, passed 1-25-11; Ord. 1076, passed 1-23-18)