(A)   The person, firm or corporation seeking such a permit shall file an application with the city setting forth such information as may be requested thereon, including, but not limited to, the following:
      (1)   The name and address of the person, firm or corporation seeking the permit;
      (2)   The exact location and address of the property proposed to be filled;
      (3)   The name and address of the owner of said property;
      (4)   The exact nature of the materials to be used as fill on the subject property;
      (5)   Whether the applicant has obtained any permits from the Cabinet of Natural Resources to allow such dumping and fill activities;
      (6)   What procedures and safeguards the applicant proposes to use to ensure that adjoining properties and city residents will not be adversely affected by the proposed fill activities and what closure procedures the applicant proposes to use when the fill is complete; and
      (7)   The length of time the applicant proposes to use the property as a fill site.
   (B)   (1)   Upon receiving the application, the City Clerk shall deliver a copy of same to the Public Works Director who shall call a meeting of the city’s Street Committee to discuss the application.
      (2)   If the city’s Street Committee approves the application, the permit will be issued to the applicant. If the Committee denies the application, the applicant may appeal to the full City Council which shall make the final decision as to the granting or denial of the permit.
(Ord. 4-92, passed 4-6-1992; Ord. 4-2000, passed 6-5-2000)