(A)   It shall be unlawful in the town to leave one’s own private property, and to have on public property of the town or private property of another, any dog, unless same is restrained upon an appropriate leash; provided further that, any dog or other animal over 50 pounds shall be retained on a leash not more than three feet in length, and made of a chain or other material of similar tensile strength, so as to secure that said animal will not be able to get free or leave the immediate accompaniment of the individual responsible for said animal.
(2014 Code, § D3.1(1))
   (B)   (1)   It shall be unlawful in the town to have any dog or animal over 50 pounds on any street fair midway (i.e., Corn School, Liberty Days) unless said animal is tethered by an appropriate leash not more than three feet in length, and has been fitted with a muzzle sufficient to keep said animal from biting an individual or any other animal.
      (2)   The use of the term MIDWAY shall include any/all areas utilized by the street fair for purposes of display, rides or other fair related activities.
(2014 Code, § D3.1(2))
Penalty, see § 93.99