Swimming Pools
1319.01   Permit required.
1319.02   Application for permit.
1319.03   Fence required.
1319.99   Penalty.
Power to regulate fences - see Ohio R.C. 715.27
Swimming pools - see OAC Ch. 3701-31
   Any person, firm or corporation intending to install or construct a swimming pool within the corporate limits of the Municipality shall first obtain a swimming pool permit from the Mayor. (Ord. 416. Passed 9-16-76.)
   (a)   The person, firm or corporation applying for a swimming pool permit shall submit with the application for the permit information or plans which shall show the design or description of the pool and which show the measures taken to provide for the security of children and other persons from accidentally or unknowingly trespassing on the pool and thereby being subjected to danger from drowning or injuries from a fall.
   (b)   The Mayor shall issue the permit only when he is assured that the installer or constructor of the pool has taken or will take precautions to provide for the safety of all persons from the dangers mentioned in subsection (a) hereof.
(Ord. 416. Passed 9-16-76.)
   (a)   The owner, or his agent, of a permanent swimming pool or pond in the Municipality is required to completely enclose such pool or pond by a fence of sturdy construction of not less than forty-eight inches nor more than seventy-two inches in height, measured from the level of the ground where located. Such fence shall be of such design and construction as to effectually prevent a child from crawling or otherwise passing through or under such fence. Each gate in such fence shall be provided with a secure lock and shall be kept locked at all times when the pool is not in use or is not under the immediate observation of a responsible person. No part of such fence shall be located between the front building line and the street on which the lot or parcel containing the swimming pool abuts.
   (b)    The owner, or his agent, must secure a permit for the erection of a fence required by this chapter from the Building Inspector.
   (c)    The Administrative Board is given the authority to make exceptions to and modifications of the requirements herein for fences around existing swimming pools and ponds in cases in which, in the Board's opinion, such requirements are not essential to safety and the enforcement thereof would work hardships on the owner. (Ord. 371. Passed 5-17-73.)