(A) Operate the Department in accordance with the State Health Department regulations;
(B) Maintain reports necessary to fulfill the information required by the State Health Department and the City Council. Assure necessary reports are sent in a properly and timely manner;
(C) Keep all equipment of the Water Department in proper repair to assure constant and trouble free service to the customer;
(D) Read water meters as needed and provide information to the City Clerk for proper billing;
(E) Work with the City Clerk for water service to customers as changes become necessary; and
(F) Notify the City Council of any irregularities or ordinance violations.
(Ord. 104, passed 7-8-2013)
(A) All provisions of this chapter, where the term customer is used, shall be construed as the owner of the premises served. The person desiring the use of city water shall notify the City Clerk in writing of changes or cancellation.
(B) This contract made with the customer shall provide that any delinquencies in the payment of water bills on the premises shall be a lien and charges against the premises so serviced regardless of whether the same be homestead or not. The lien in the case of delinquency, shall be reported to the County Auditor by the City Clerk at the same time and in the same manner as special assessment on real estate and shall be collected in the same manner as taxes against real estate provided, however; that nothing herein shall change the provisions of this chapter with reference to shutting off water for nonpayment of charges.
(Ord. 104, passed 7-8-2013)
(A) In addition to § 52.05, this application will include intended use and estimated volume thereof for purposes of regulating water consumption. A copy of this chapter and rate structure will be provided upon request.
(B) No person except a plumber duly approved by the Water Department will be permitted to tap into the city water supply and then under the supervision of the Superintendent. Any fees will be due at this time.
(Ord. 104, passed 7-8-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) No water will be supplied to any customer without receipt of a meter deposit as set by the City Council. This deposit is refundable upon termination of contract with the city and after inspection assures all equipment left in acceptable condition. Interest will be paid by the city on the deposit on an annual basis at the interest rate as determined according to the procedures outlined in M.S. § 325E.02, as it may be amended from time to time.
(B) The City Council shall adopt by resolution a schedule of water rates, fees and meter deposits. The resolution shall be published once in time official newspaper of the city. The city may make an annual revision of the schedule based upon annual reports together with a working budget to determine any needs for change in this schedule.
(Ord. 104, passed 7-8-2013; Ord. 114, passed 6-8-2015)
(A) All bills for water service furnished and supplied by the city shall be payable monthly, with payment due date at the discretion of the City Council.
(B) The Clerk shall mail to each customer whose billing for the previous month has not been paid, a notice which shall be deemed sufficient notice to the customer.
(C) No exception shall be made to the procedure unless a hearing is requested and Council grants relief.
(D) A finance charge will be assessed on delinquent amounts at the rate specified by the current fee schedule of the City Council.
(Ord. 104, passed 7-8-2013; Ord. 112, passed 2-9-2015) Penalty, see § 10.99