All streets and alleys of the town, with the exception of State Road 8 and State Road 49, shall be designated as restricted streets. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any truck or truck-tractor to drive upon the same except for the purpose of making a delivery or carrying on business in the block in which such vehicle is being driven, except trucks of less than 26,000 pounds. Any driver making a delivery shall enter the restricted streets at the first intersection nearest the point of delivery and leave same in the first intersection immediately after such delivery.
(Ord. 2007-3, passed 6-18-07) Penalty, see § 70.99
(A) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
VEHICLE. Any device in, upon, or by which a person or property is, or may be transported or moved upon school grounds.
SCHOOL GROUNDS. All real property which is owned or controlled by the East Porter County School Corporation, which is located within the boundaries of the town and surrounds or is adjacent to any school corporation building.
(B) Vehicle and traffic regulations.
(1) No vehicle shall be driven upon school grounds at a speed greater than 15 miles per hour.
(2) No vehicle shall accelerate in such a manner as to deliberately cause the tires to spin and lose traction upon the paved surfaces of the school grounds.
(3) No vehicle, with the exception of wheel chairs, school maintenance or administrative vehicles, school district coach’s vehicles, emergency vehicles, or other school corporation authorized vehicle, may be driven upon the unpaved areas of any school corporation grounds.
(4) The use if all terrain vehicles (ATV), snowmobiles, skateboards, mini-bikes, go-carts, roller skates, roller blades, golf carts, or other such vehicles, is prohibited on both the paved and unpaved areas of any school corporation grounds.
(5) All vehicles operating on school grounds shall adhere to posted traffic signs and established traffic flow patterns.
(C) Enforcement and penalties.
(1) The regulations specified herein are considered infractions and may be enforced by the Police Department in the same manner as any other traffic ordinance adopted by the town.
(2) Violations of these traffic regulations shall be punishable as provided in § 10.99.
(Ord. 2011-4, passed 8-15-11)
(A) Definitions. The following terms shall be defined as written unless context indicates or requires a different meaning.
PROPERTY: As used in this section, refers to all real property which is owned or controlled by the American Legion Post 301, which is located within the boundaries of the Town of Kouts.
TRUCK. As used in this section, refers to any vehicle in excess of 26,000 pounds.
(B) Truck regulations.
(1) No truck weighing in excess of 26,000 pounds shall enter the real property of the American Legion Post 301.
(2) Any exceptions to this shall be given written authorization by an officer duly elected by the body of the American Legion Post 301.
(3) A copy of this written authorization shall be provided to the Kouts Town Marshal as soon as practically possible.
(C) Enforcement and penalties.
(1) The regulations specified herein are considered infractions and may be enforced by the Kouts Police Department in the same manner as any other traffic ordinance adopted by the Town of Kouts.
(2) Violations of these traffic regulations shall be punishable as provided in § 10.99 of the Kouts Municipal Code.
(3) The initial fine for a violation of this section will be assessed at $500, as posted.
(D) This section of the traffic code shall not be enforceable until publication, pursuant to law, and until signs, consistent with the statutory regulation, giving notice of the traffic regulations are posted upon or at the entrance or entrances to the grounds of the American Legion Post 301.
(E) The expenses incurred for regulatory signs as required by law shall be the responsibility of the American legion Post 301.
(Ord. 2016-7, passed 9-19-16)
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this title shall upon conviction be fined as determined by § 10.99, and each such violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(`77 Code, § 30.05)