(A) Design criteria set out in the bikeway plan shall be followed should bikeways be constructed. Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to require the construction of the bikeways unless specific authorization for the construction is granted by the Common Council by ordinance.
(B) Bikeway routes described in the bikeway plan are for purposes of planning and recommendation only. Specific bikeway routes cannot be created without authorization by the Council by separate ordinance.
(Ord. 5276, passed 4-25-83)
The establishment or construction of bikeways shall not expand the liability exposure of the city for property damage or personal injury arising from the use thereof more than that arising from the use of city streets and thoroughfares generally.
(Ord. 5276, passed 4-25-83)
(A) Bikeway routes may be designated by the Common Council without provision being made for funding the construction thereof according to the design criteria set out in the bikeway plan.
(B) Construction may be authorized by the Council at a later date when appropriate funding is available.
(Ord. 5276, passed 4-25-83)
Bikeway routes, see Ch. 78, Sch. X
No public monies shall be expended on improvement of bike routes hereinafter created to bring them into conformity with the design criteria set out in the bikeway plan without separate Council approval and appropriation, the approval and appropriation being dependent on the availability of funds for the purpose.
(Ord. 5277, passed 4-25-83)