(A)   Installation of all sewer pipe to be connected to municipally owned storm or sanitary sewers shall conform to standards set forth by agencies of the State of Indiana charged with promulgating and administering regulations governing sewer pipe installation, and shall conform to the provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   After making each sewer tap and sewer installation, the person responsible for the installation shall notify the City Engineer so that the sewer may be inspected and approved before the excavation is backfilled. Prior to approval of the sewer tap and sewer, testing of the sewer may be required to assure acceptable performance. All testing shall be in accordance with standards approved for use by agencies of the State of Indiana charged with promulgating and administering regulations governing sewer pipe testing.
   (C)   As part of the inspection process, any sewer line in excess of 300 feet shall be televised, unless for good cause shown, upon application to the City Board of Public Works and Safety, such requirement is waived.
   (D)   Costs associated with sewer testing and televising shall be the responsibility of the person requesting approval of the sewer tap and sewer.
(Ord. 6619, passed 1-28-13)