(A)   All sewer pipe utilized to connect to municipaily-owned storm or sanitary sewers shall conform to standards for sewer pipe composition approved by the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), or such other standards as have been approved for use by agencies of the State of Indiana charged with promulgating and administering regulations governing sewer pipe composition.
   (B)   All house and/or building lateral sewer pipes shall be a minimum of six inches in diameter unless use of a smaller diameter pipe is approved in writing by the City Engineer.
   (C)   A set of ASTM standards, or such other standards as have been approved for use by agencies of the State of Indiana charged with promulgating and administering regulations concerning sewer pipe composition, will be kept on file by the Department of Engineering, Traffic and Inspection Services of this city, and will be open for public inspection during normal business hours.
(Ord. 6619, passed 1-28-13)