(A)   No owner or occupant of any real property shall tap or drain either directly or indirectly into any public sewer until a sewer tap permit has been obtained and until he or she has satisfied his or her obligation to pay all tap fees, assessments, reimbursements, or pro rata shares of sewer extension costs, established by ordinance or private agreement, that are laid against that property for public sewers installed to serve it.
   (B)   No particular qualifications shall be required of any person to obtain a sewer tap permit; but all such connections shall conform to the provisions of this chapter as they relate to sewer pipe composition and installation of sewer pipe. Should it appear at the time application is made for a sewer tap permit that there is noncompliance with the provisions of this chapter; no sewer tap permit will be issued until the nonconformity has been corrected.
   (C)   The POTW reserves the right to refuse the request of any person or prospective user for connection to the POTW in the event that the sewerage service requirements for the potential user, in the judgment of the Superintendent or City Engineer, would result in any of the following conditions:
      (1)   “PASS THROUGH” as that term is defined in § 55.004; or
      (2)   “INTERFERENCE” as that term is defined in § 55.004; or
      (3)   Hydraulic overloading of the wastewater treatment facility; or
      (4)   Hydraulic overloading of combined sewer systems which would result in dry-weather combined sewer overflows; or
      (5)   Hydraulic overloading of sanitary sewer systems which would result in sanitary sewer overflows; or
      (6)   Discharges to the receiving stream which violate state or federal water quality criteria; or
      (7)   Discharges to the POTW which would damage the POTW or otherwise create an emergency situation.
(Ord. 6619, passed 1-28-13)