For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "DESIGNATED RECIPIENT." An individual, designated in writing by the member, who shall be authorized to receive physical possession of supplementary benefit checks issued pursuant to this chapter.
   "DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE." An individual, designated on the members’ current military Power of Attorney, as being authorized to act on the members’ behalf during period of the members’ active service.
   "FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE." An individual scheduled to work 35 hours per week or more, in a position with no predetermined termination date.
   "GROSS SUPPLEMENTARY BENEFIT." The monetary difference between the amount shown as base salary on the members’ Leave and Earnings Statement and the aggregate amount shown as regular salary for the member in the records of the City Controller.
   "LEAVE AND EARNINGS STATEMENT." The military pay stub issued by the military to the member evidencing the members’ military earnings.
   "LEAVE OF ABSENCE." An excused absence from the members’ respective duties with the city, which shall be co-terminus with the members’ mobilization orders not to exceed 365 days, except as herein provided.
   "MEMBER." Any employee of the City of Kokomo, Indiana, carried on the muster roll of a reserve component and who is subject to call up to active duty in the event of mobilization.
   "MOBILIZATION." A declaration of national or state emergency by President of the United States or the Governor of Indiana resulting in the activation of reserve components.
   "MOBILIZATION ORDERS." Those orders received by the member ordering the member to active duty as part of a military mobilization.
   "NET SUPPLEMENTARY BENEFIT." That monetary amount remaining after all deductions are made from the gross supplementary benefit.
   "PART-TIME EMPLOYEE." An individual scheduled to work less than 35 hours per week in a position with no predetermined termination date.
   "RESERVE COMPONENT." The Indiana National Guard, or any of military reserve elements of the naval, air, or ground forces of the United States.
   "SEASONAL/TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE." An individual scheduled to work in a position with a predetermined termination date (e.g. upon completion of project, end of season, etc.).
   "SUPPLEMENTARY BENEFIT." The monetary difference between the figure shown as base salary on the members’ Leave and Earnings Statement and the figure shown as regular salary on the city’s payroll records for the same period of time.
(Ord. 6209, passed 10-29-01)