The respective purchasing agencies designated in §§ 36.21 and 36.22 shall:
   (A)   Within their jurisdictional areas, assume the duties, powers, and responsibilities assigned to purchasing agencies under the Act.
   (B)   Establish procedures, not inconsistent with the Act or this subchapter for obtaining materials, supplies, equipment or contractual services for the city departments under their jurisdiction as may best be suited to obtain the greatest economic value for the city.
   (C)   Prepare specifications and notice to bidders and ascertain that required notices are published where bidding and publication of notices are required by law.
   (D)   Cooperate and consult with the controller for the purpose of ensuring that adequate funds are available prior to making necessary purchases and acquisitions to assure that they are within the limits of the budget appropriations of the department in need of the material.
   (E)   Designate, in writing, such additional purchasing agents as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. 6093, passed 6-29-98)