(A)   Block party events reasonably expected to generate over 75 attendees may require on-site security officers who may be off duty sworn officers, or Emergency Management Agency volunteer police officers. Whether security officers will be required, and, if so, the number of officers required, and whether such officers must be off duty sworn officers or may be Emergency Management Agency volunteer officers, shall also be determined by the Commission on a case by case basis depending on the size and nature of the event.
   (B)   Permits shall be issued per event, an event may extend over multiple calendar days.
   (C)   The use of amplified sound, as defined herein, at block party events will be required to conclude prior to 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 12:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday. This provision shall not be construed as setting a limitation on block party activities other than the use of amplified sound.
   (D)   Promoters will be required to provide trash collection and cleanup of the event site, adjoining properties, and public thoroughfares immediately upon conclusion of the event. If the promoters of an event fail to satisfactorily provide for trash collection and clean up immediately following an event, any and all costs incurred by the city in collecting trash and/or cleaning the event site shall be assessed to the promoters of the event. Such charges shall be in addition to any fines imposed by other provisions of this ordinance. Failure to satisfactorily provide trash collection and clean up following an event may constitute grounds for the denial of future block party events sponsored by the same promoter and/or the same block party event in subsequent years.
   (E)   Event activities shall not interfere with or hamper the normal flow of traffic or parking on surface streets adjacent to the event location except as approved in advance by the Commission.
   (F)   Promoters shall maintain amplified sound volume at reasonable levels and shall comply with the request of the Police Department to moderate volume should the Department receive neighborhood complaints about volume levels.
   (G)   Promoters shall be required to assume all costs incurred by the city relative to any necessary city services needed to support the event such as barricading, sanitation, traffic control measures, or safety and security measures, including the cost of event security officers. To assist in budget planning for the block party event, at the time a permit application is approved, the Commission shall provide a good faith estimate of such costs, which estimate may be superceded by actual costs incurred. Should the promoter fail to reimburse the city within 30 days after the block party event for such costs as are incurred by the city, the city shall have the right to sue for the recovery of such costs in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(Ord. 6276, passed 9-29-03) Penalty, see § 111.99