(A)   The Township Manager will not cause or allow any organizational practice that is illegal, imprudent or unethical. Michigan Statutes and the Township Board are the sole determinants of such behaviors.
   (B)   The Township Board delegates or assigns the responsibilities and duties noted below to the Township Manager. This delegation or assignment of responsibilities and duties is not intended to diminish the responsibilities given to the Township Board or the Township Supervisor, or both, acting in concert for the administration of the affairs of the township. The Township Board reserves the right to remove responsibilities and duties delegated or assigned to the Township Manager or eliminate the position in the same manner in which it delegated or assigned responsibilities and duties or created the position. The delegated responsibilities are as follows:
      (1)   Direct and supervise all department directors of the township, and administer the overall affairs and activities of the township according to the ordinances, resolutions, administrative policies and procedures that are adopted by the Township Board;
      (2)   Supervise the enforcement of all federal and state laws and the ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Township Board;
      (3)   Recommend appointment of department directors and oversee the hiring of employees, and when necessary, recommend the removal of department directors and employees from employment to the Township Board;
      (4)   When necessary, discipline department directors and employees, including, but not limited to, oral discipline, written discipline, and suspension with pay pending a hearing before the Township Board;
      (5)   Administer and supervise all public improvements, works or undertakings of the township including the construction, repair, maintenance, and cleaning of township assets, buildings, or other property belonging to the township;
      (6)   Recommend to the Township Board the adoption of such measures that are necessary or expedient for the administration of the township affairs that cannot be carried out by existing administrative policies or procedures;
      (7)   Assure that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the township or its residents in any public utility franchise or in any contract are faithfully kept and performed;
      (8)   Perform the duties of the budget officer as prescribed in the Uniform Accounting and Budgeting Act (M.C.L.A. § 141.421 et seq.);
      (9)   Perform the duties of purchasing agent;
      (10)   Establish and maintain a system for the control of the expenditure of monies belonging to or in the trusteeship of the township;
      (11)   Exercise and perform all administrative functions of the township that are not imposed upon another township official by ordinances or resolutions adopted by the Township Board;
      (12)   Submit a summary of departmental reports monthly to the Township Board at the next regularly scheduled Township Board meeting after such reports are filed with the Township Manager, and submit an annual report of the affairs of the township at the February Township Board Meeting;
      (13)   Except for the compensation of the Township Manager, committees, and other contract employees, set the compensation and benefits of employees within budget appropriations and recommend to the Township Board the compensation and benefits of the administrative officers according to budget appropriations;
      (14)   Not used (deleted)
      (15)   Attend all meetings of the Township Board unless excused by the Township Supervisor. Attend committee meetings as directed by the Township Supervisor;
      (16)   Act as the township’s human resources manager, evaluate all types of health insurances and recommend to the Township Board annually on procurement;
      (17)   Perform annual career development reviews for all department heads and review and sign off on all department heads subordinates annual career development reviews; and
      (18)   Perform such other duties as required by ordinance or by direction of the Township Board.
   (C)   The Township Manager may delegate or assign to other departments, department directors, or employees any administrative function, duty, or responsibility of the township that is not imposed already upon another township official by ordinance or resolution adopted by the Township Board. Except as provided in § 32.04, the Township Manager shall not delegate or assign to other departments, department directors, contract employees, or employees the authority to direct and supervise administrative services and administer the overall affairs and activities of the township. The Township Manager shall not delegate or assign to other departments, department directors, or employees the ability to appoint, remove from employment and discipline employees; and discipline administrative officers.
(Ord. 14-01, passed 1-14-2014; Ord. 21-03, passed 5-17-2021)